Séminaires SPAM LFP Synchrotron Facilities And Multi-scale Structure Of Biopolymers Assemblies Alain BULEON 15/03/2012
Séminaire SRMP Microstructural modifications in nuclear ceramics implanted with noble gases Gihan VELISA 09/03/2012
Séminaire SRMP Confinement and hyperfine structure in chalcogen doped silicon nanowires Guido Petretto, A. Debernardi and M. Fanciulli 14/02/2012
Séminaires SPAM LFP Probing Matter from Within using Ultra-Intense and Ultra-Fast X-Rays from the LCLS Free Electron Laser Nora BERRAH 26/01/2012
Séminaire SRMP Screw dislocation kink dynamics model in BCC iron, based on first-principles and molecular dynamics calculations Mitsuhiro Itakura 23/01/2012
Thèses ou HDR Tunneling spectroscopy of the Andreev bound states in a carbon nanotube Jean-Damien Pillet SPEC/GQ 14/12/2011
Séminaires SPAM LFP What you see is not what you get: à la recherche de la partie cachée de l’Univers Marco CIRELLI 02/12/2011
Séminaires SPAM LFP High-order harmonic generation in laser-produced plasmas: recent trends Rashid GANEEV 03/11/2011
Séminaires SPAM LFP Carbon nanotube research activities at “CSIRO Materials Science and Engineering” Dr. Jurg SCHUTZ 27/09/2011