Séminaire SRMP Hydrides and hydrogen pipe diffusion in palladium: first principles, kinetic monte carlo, and neutron scattering Dallas R. Trinkle 14/09/2015
Séminaire SRMP On the evolution and optimization of Al-Co-Cr-Cu-Fe-Ni-Ti high entropy alloys Anna Manzoni 14/04/2015
Séminaire SRMP On the mechanical response of magnesium and its alloys: multiscale perspectives Laurent Capolungo 10/02/2015
Autres séminaires Colloque International en l’honneur d’Alexandre Revcolevschi : Single crystals : Growth and physico-chemical properties 18/12/2014
Séminaire SRMP Multi-scale description of super-saturated ferrite in severely deformed pearlitic wires Dr. Blazej Grabowski 21/11/2014
Séminaire SRMP Microscopic characterization of the fluorite/ water interface from theory and experiments Jun. Prof. Marialore Sulpizi 21/10/2014
Séminaire SRMP Computational Modeling of Reaction-Diffusion Systems: From particle to hydrodynamic simulations Aleksandar Donev 18/07/2014
Séminaire SRMP Microstructure-mechanical property relationships in advanced materials for nuclear energy systems / Role of alloying on phase transformations in Ni-Cr alloys Janelle P. Wharry / Julie D. Tucker 25/06/2014
Conférence CEA Summer School Nanosciences Ile-de-France, 22-27 juin 2014 From 22/06/2014 to 27/06/2014