Séminaire SRMP Influence of the substitutional elements on the <a> type screw dislocation glide in α-Ti – solution strengthening vs ductility enhancement Piotr Kwasniak 05/07/2018
Conférence CEA Synergi 2018, Neutrons Synchrotrons and Industry, Amsterdam 8-9 March 2018 From 08/03/2018 to 09/03/2018
Thèses ou HDR Towards an improved description of spectroscopies for materials with localized electrons : Effective potentials and interactions Marilena Tzavala 07/12/2017
Autres séminaires Frontiers of Condensed Matter Physics – FCMP – Paris 2017 2017 Fall Lectures by leading CMP researchers Dirk van der Marel (Geneva) and Jerome Lesueur (ESPCI) 22/09/2017
Conférence CEA International Conference on Neutron Scattering 2017; July 9-13, Daejeon; Korea From 09/07/2017 to 13/07/2017