Computed Stereo Vision

Computed Stereo Vision

<< Research Lensless imaging

Ultrafast Nanophotonics Group

Computed phase stereo lensless X-ray imaging

In a recent work, we showed that computer stereo vision concepts can be transposed to X-rays. We demonstrated nanoscale three-dimensional reconstructions from a single ultrafast acquisition. In our setup, two diffraction patterns are recorded simultaneously on a single CCD camera and, after phase retrieval, two stereo images are reconstructed. A 3D representation of the sample is then computed from quantitative disparity maps, with nanometer resolution and a snapshot of 20 femtoseconds. Our demonstration was, as well, extended to phase contrast X-ray stereo imaging, where hidden 3D features of a sample were revealed.

Computed phase stereo imaging will find scientific applications at X-ray free electron lasers, synchrotrons and laser-based sources, but also in fast industrial and medical 3D diagnostics.

• Collaboration :
Marta Fajardo, Instituto Superior Técnico (Lisbon)
Philippe Zeitoun, LOA (Palaiseau)
• People : Joana Duarte
• Publications
• Fundings
Horizon 2020 (FET Open VOXEL),
ANR NanoImagine