Near-Surface Concentration Profile of Sheared Semidilute Polymer Solutions

Near-Surface Concentration Profile of Sheared Semidilute Polymer Solutions

Controlling the structure of polymer solutions near a solid surface is crucial for many industrial processes as it significantly impacts solution flow and influences slip at the interface..

Controlling the structure of polymer solutions near a solid surface is crucial for many industrial processes as it significantly impacts solution flow and influences slip at the interface. To date, only a few techniques have been developed to experimentally investigate this type of interface at the nanometric scale of solid/liquid interactions. In this study, we probe the interface between a smooth sapphire surface and a semidilute polystyrene solution, using neutron reflectivity. A special setup for flow measurements under shear has been designed and optimized. Our results show that, at rest, polymer chains are globally depleted from the solid surface. Contrary to common assumptions, some polystyrene chains do adsorb onto the wall. Under flow conditions, we experimentally demonstrate that the depletion layer remains stable, a finding that has been hypothesized but is only vaguely confirmed in the literature

Suzanne Lafon, Tiago Outerelo Corvo, Marion Grzelka, Arnaud Hélary, Philipp Gutfreund, Liliane Léger, Alexis Chennevière and Frédéric Restagno