In order to get more experience on the use of a High-intensity Compact Accelerator driven Neutron Source (HiCANS)*, the Laboratoire Léon Brillouin – LLB has transfered its HERMES reflectometer at the BigKarl facility in JCNS (Jülich).
This monday, the facility produced its first neutrons and the first neutron time of flight spectrum has been recorded (see image) on one of the instrument installed around the target. BigKarl is a low power model of the JCNS High Brilliance Source (HBS) project. On thusday, we succeed in mesuring our first reflectivity spectrum (see images below of the direct beam and reflected beam measured (left) and the reflectivity curve obtained (right)) on a supermirror. Being able to obtain this measurement in a so short time with a so little source is a great success for all the teams that join their efforts to get it.
Congratulation to all the team members (see picture in BigKarl) that join their efforts to obtain this wonderful result, opening the way to the construction of the first HiCANS in Europe.
* See also the IMoH 2022 Conference.