Post-doc offer: “Neutron scattering instrumentation around a compact neutron source”

Post-doc offer: “Neutron scattering instrumentation around a compact neutron source”


The French and European neutron scattering landscape is strongly evolving. Several research reactors have stopped their operations and further closure are foreseen in the next decade. The European landscape will be renewed by the construction of the ESS European Spallation Source (underway in Sweden). In addition, the construction of a new type of neutron sources using low energy high current accelerators (HiCANS) is being proposed by various institutes across Europe to replace research reactors. The characteristic of these new sources is to produce pulses of polychromatic neutrons rather than continuous beams. Among the projects, we can mention SONATE in France, HBS in Germany or ARGITU in Spain.

Building, imagining, and making the best use of these neutron beams to carry out physics experiments still constitutes a challenge for the IRAMIS / LLB teams. In particular, these experiments are essential to “invent” the neutron diffraction of tomorrow.

In this context, the Léon Brillouin Laboratory offers an 18-month post-doc position whose general objective is to develop and evaluate technical solutions for time-of-flight diffraction for compact long-pulse sources. The work will involve a strong experimental part with the evaluation of the performances of the DIoGENE instrument on the accelerator IPHI at Saclay and the HERMES instrument on the BIG-KARL facility at COSY (COoler SYnchrotron of the Forschungszentrum Jülich).

See : 20210908-Post-doc-LLB-IPHI-Neutrons.pdf (431 Ko)