2008 Beg Rohu summer school of statistical physics and condensed matter

2008 Beg Rohu summer school of statistical physics and condensed matter

L’école de Beg-Rohu (1984-1997) est à nouveau organisée en 2008 par G. Biroli and A. Lefèvre, assistés de C. Godrèche ! 2008 Beg Rohu summer school of statistical physics and condensed matter: Manifolds in Random Media, Random Matrices and Extreme Value Statistics. 16-28 June 2008 at the French National Sailing School, Quiberon, France. Lectures: J.-P. Bouchaud: Rare events and extreme value statistics, P. Ferrari: Random matrices and related problems, P. Le Doussal: Pinning of elastic objects in random media, S. Majumdar: Extreme statistics for correlated variables.