Laboratoire Léon Brillouin

UMR12 CEA-CNRS, Bât. 563 CEA Saclay

91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France


Let's scatter neutrons

LLB annual report : Invitation for submitting Highlights  
Mon, Dec. 19th, 2011 00:00

Dear LLB users:

We are pleased to invite you to present results on your recent research using the neutron source LLB-Orphée in the next annual report of the LLB.

The forthcoming edition will keep the format adopted in 2010 (see that was greatly appreciated by the international committee in charge of the evaluation of our facility.

We will welcome wholeheartedly abstracts about publications or data that have been collected at LLB, and were analyzed or published this year. Please send them to

We are looking forward to your contributions. You may also see this call at :

Yours sincerely,
The direction of LLB

Every year, the annual report of the Laboratoire Léon Brillouin (LLB) illustrates the richness and excellence of the research performed with our instruments. For the 2011 edition, we invite our users to contribute to this report by proposing highlights on their:

•             Original scientific results,
•             New methodological developments
•             Major instrumental achievement

The selected reports will addresses scientists of all the neutron scattering communities and also non–specialized public, curious to discover our research. Therefore, the texts submitted should be accessible to non-experts. 

Guidelines for submitting highlights

You are invited to send short abstracts to  by December 19th.
The text length should be approximately 100 words.

Optional illustrating pictures or graphs (jpg, bmp) are welcome, but should be provided as separate files with a minimal resolution of 250 dpi. Their captions would be given in a separate file.

After the acceptance of the abstract by January 16th, you would hand in the full article. The approximate length would be two pages (font 11, single interline, ~600 words), including graphics and references. You should provide at least one graphic illustration of your results and up to three ones, showing the instrumental setup or diagrams. For help, a template Word document would be provided in order to appreciate the final appearance of your article.  The deadline for the submission of articles will be February 20th 2012.

Email address for the submission of highlights and information: ...

A. Menelle, 2011-11-20 00:00:00


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