The SLIC team (French acronym for Supports and Short Pulse Lasers) is a group of laser development and technical support. The main mission of the SLIC team is to provide state-of-the-art lasers for internal (LIDYL) and external (national and international) users.

The SLIC group is thus in charge of the operation, optimization and evolution of the UHI100 and ATTOALAB / FAB1-10 laser facilities of the LIDYL and also conducts research and development programs mostly aimed at improving these laser facilities in terms of performances and characterisation according to the evolution of the needs of their users.
A large part of the R&D is carried out in collaboration with the Amplitude-Technologies Company within the IMPULSE joint laboratory. To a lesser extent, the SLIC group also conducts prospective R & D in areas not directly related to the LIDYL lasers but relying on techniques related to femtosecond lasers such as the use of the CPA amplification scheme in XUV LELs.
In addition, the SLIC group includes the mechanical and electronics workshops, the mechanical design office and the IT support (webmaster and user assistance). This technical support is essential to the success of the LIDYL experimental activities.
Technical description and associated scientific pages.
Contact : Pascal d’Oliveira.