Ongoing Thesis


Protection of heritage copper metals in outdoor environments using a sol-gel process doped with corrosion inhibitors

(start : october 2023) Laurent Mugherli, Marc Maleval, Delphine Neff (Dir.)

HEAL Tobias

Acies Ferrie: Archaeological and Archaeometric study of 5th to 9th century weaponry between the Seine and Rhine Rivers

(start : january 2023) Alexandre Disser, Line Van Wersch (Dir.)

MAQUEDA Florence

Energy transformations, quantification and flows in Medieval and Renaissance metalworking production systems

(start : october 2022) Florian Téreygeol, Nicolas Florsch (Dir.)

BERNARD Mathilde

Chronologies, uses and supplies of ferrous alloys at Notre-Dame de Paris

(start : november 2021) Sylvain Bauvais, Philippe Dillmann (Dir.)


Iron production and trade in the southern Levant, from the Arab-Byzantine wars to the end of the Crusades (7th-13th c.)

(start : november 2021) Sylvain Bauvais, Philippe Dillmann (Dir.)

Past Thesis


Multi-scale characterisation of glass-iron-argilite interactions

Université Paris-Saclay (02/03/2023), Stéphane Gin, Philippe Dillmann (Dir.) 


Understanding corrosion inhibition mechanisms of copper-bearing metals using a multi-scale physicochemical approach

Université Paris-Saclay (14/12/2021), Florence Mercier-Bion, Delphine Neff (Dir.) 


Ferrous alloys qualities : a diachronic and statistical approach

Université Paris Nanterre (02/12/2021), Philippe Dillmann (Dir.)

CADET Mélissa

Technological reconstruction of late prehistoric (c. 1000 BC c. 500 AD) copper production at the Vilabouly Complex, Central Laos

Université Paris Nanterre (14/06/2021), Philippe Dillmann, Oliver Pryce (Dir.)

LOTZ Hélène

Iron corrosion mechanisms in anoxic environments : multi-scale characterisation of the physico-electrochemical properties of corrosion product layers

Université Paris-Saclay (03/12/2020), Florence Mercier-Bion, Delphine Neff (Dir.)


Armour from the 13th to the 17th century in Europe : a material approach. Production, nature and circulation of metal

Université Cergy-Pontoise (29/06/2019), Philippe Dillmann, Valérie Toureille, Catherine Verna (Dir.)