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Post doc offer LLB/PHENIX: TOF-SANS
Post-DoctoratCEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceDecember 9 202412 monthPlease find attached a 12 months post-doc offer at Laboratoire Léon Brillouin, CEA Saclay in collaboration with PHENIX Laboratory (Université Paris Sobnne) funded by the APICONE call. The ICONE project proposes to build a HiCANS (High Current Accelerator- based Neutron Source) in France. The aim of the ICONE project is to be able to provide…
Post-Doctoral fellowship Polarized Neutron Diffraction for Anisotropy in Molecular Magnets
Post-DoctoratEssonne (91)October 25 202412 monthThe research project will explore the magnetic properties of molecular compounds exhibiting magnetic anisotropy using Polarized neutron diffraction (PND). This unique technique makes it possible to measure magnetic anisotropy vectors with precision, something very difficult with other techniques. Inelastic Neutron Scattering (INS) may also be used to understand lowenergy magnetic excitations driven by the crystal…
Study of the TSPO Translocator Protein: A Key Marker in Neuroimaging
Stage M2CEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceFebruary 3 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : Biophysics Keywords: biochemistry, structural biology Research Unit : LLB / MMB Our goal is to study the structure/function relationship of mTSPO, both with and without ligand (apo form), by producing it under conditions close to its native state in S. cerevisiae yeast. Obtaining this structure is crucial for understanding the binding mechanisms…
Wetting dynamics of polymeric liquids at the nanoscale
Stage M2CEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceFebruary 21 20253 monthDomain, Specialties : Liquid physics Keywords: wetting, polymers, friction, nanoroughness Research Unit : LLB / MMB Wetting dynamics of polymeric liquids at the nanoscale The aim of this project is to understand the mechanisms of energy dissipation during the spontaneous spreading of a drop on a nanotextured substrate. As part of this internship, the wetting…
Modeling of an optimized cold neutron moderator for the ICONE project
Stage M2CEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceFebruary 3 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : Neutronics Keywords: Monte-Carlo Simulation Research Unit : LLB / INFRA The aim of the ICONE project (“Innovative COmpact NEutron facility”) is to build a Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Source (CANS) for the French neutron research community. A general description of the ICONE project can be found under this link: https://iramis.cea.fr/llb/icone-an-accelerator-driven-neutron-source/ In such a…
Synthesis, characterization and study of the magnetic properties of high-Tc superconducting cuprates
Stage M2CEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceFebruary 1 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : Physics Research Unit : LLB/NFMQ This internship project aims at the synthesis of two families of superconducting cuprates at different hole doping levels in their polycrystalline form, and their characterizations by X-ray diffraction and magnetometry measurements. These powders will be used for the growth of single crystals of the same compositions by…
Spin symmetries, superconductivity and altermagnetism
Stage M2CEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceFebruary 21 20256 monthDomain, Specialties : Condensed matter physics Keywords: Magnetism, – Superconductivity, – Many-body physics Research Unit : LLB / NFMQ There has been a tremendous amount of interest recently in a new form of magnetism called altermagnetism both from the point of view of fundamental condensed matter physics and from the perspective of spintronics applications. Altermagnets…
Spiral order by disorder
Stage M2CEA Saclay, (91) Essonne, FranceSeptember 9 20244 monthDomain, Specialties : Condensed matter physics Keywords: magnetic excitations, disorder Research Unit : LLB / NFMQ The search of magnetoelectric multiferroic materials, where magnetic order and ferroelectricity are coupled to each other is an issue of keen interest in condensed matter physics and in spin-related emerging communication technologies [1-2]. However, the low-magnetic ordering temperatures in…
Structural characterization of inorganic-metallic coacervates obtained from complexation of metallic nanoparticles stabilized by polymerized Ionic Liquids and polyanions
Post-DoctoratIle-de-FranceNovember 4 202418 monthResearch The overall objective of the project is the design of a new class of highly active, selective and recyclable porous nano-catalysts thanks to a strategy based on the non-covalent electrostatic complexation of metallic nanoparticles (MNPs) of catalytic interest stabilized by cationic polymerized ionic liquids (PILs) with polyanions to build 3D heterogeneous networks with unprecedented…
PhD thesis
Understanding the signals emitted by moving liquids
NFMQ : Mesoscopic physicsParis-Saclay Ondes et Matière (EDOM) SaclayElasticity is one of the oldest physical properties of condensed matter. It is expressed by a constant of proportionality G between the applied stress (s) and the deformation (?): s = G.? (Hooke’s… -
Towards a better understanding of membrane proteins through AI
MMB : Structural biologyParis-Saclay Sciences Chimiques: Molécules, Matériaux, Instrumentation et Biosystèmes (2MIB) SaclayDespite the remarkable advances in artificial intelligence (AI), particularly with tools like AlphaFold, the prediction of membrane protein structures remains a major challenge in structural… -
Topological magnons in quantum materials
NFMQ : Solid state physics, surfaces and interfacesParis Sud Physique en Île-de-France (EDPIF) SaclayTopology has become an essential paradigm in condensed matter, making it possible to classify phases of matter according to properties that are invariant under continuous deformations. Early… -
Wetting dynamics at the nanoscale
MMB : Soft matter and complex fluidsParis-Saclay Physique en Île-de-France (EDPIF) SaclayWetting dynamics describes the processes involved when a liquid spreads on a solid surface. It’s an ubiquitous phenomenon in nature, for example when dew beads up on a leaf, as well as in many…