Superconductivity by Exchange of Electronic Fluctuations

September 13 2013
Types d’événements
Séminaire LLB
C.M. Varma
LLB – Bât 563 p15 (Grande Salle)
50 places
Vidéo Projecteur
September 13 2013
from 10:30 to 10:30

I will review the necessary requirements for S, P and D-wave supercon-
ductivity and the conditions on Antiferromagnetic Fluctuations that deter-
mine the transitions temperature for D-wave Pairing. The recently measured
uctuation spectrum near the Antiferromagnetic quantum-critical point in
CeCu2Si2 is used to calculate Tc and the temperature dependence and the co-
ecient of resistivity to substantiate the conclusions. Similar calculations show
that the measured spin-
uctuation spectrum in the Cuprate high temperature
superconductors cannot be responsible for their superconductivity or normal
state anomalies.
The phase diagram of the Cuprates is reviewed pointing out the region of
uctuations and the order necessary in under-doped Cuprates
to generate them. The theory of such an order, its quantum-critical
and the coupling of such
uctuations to fermions to generate the normal state
anomalies and D-wave will be brie
y described. The deduction of the
spectrum from inversion of Angle-Resolved Photoemission is also demonstrated.

University of California, Riverside, USA.