Quantum magnets host a variety of different phases with a wide range of intrinsic quantum fluctuations. Tensor networks provide a fairly unbiased, non-perturbative way of simulating their dynamical signatures, which eventually can be compared with experimental data, e.g. from inelastic neutron scattering. After giving a brief overview of existing tensor network methods, I will turn to examples from my own recent
Research: (i) interacting magnons in topological magnets [1], (ii) dynamics in proximity to quantum spin liquids in Kitaev materials [2], and (iii) dynamical signatures of the quantum spin nematic phase in frustrated ferromagnets.
[1] MG, A. Corticelli, R. Moessner, P. A. McClarty, A. Mook PRL 131 (18), 186702 (2024) [2] MG, J. C. Pelayo, T. Suzuki, PRB 109 (22), L220410 (2024)