!! ANNULE !! Non stationary quantum phenomena in neutron optics: recent results and new possibilities

March 24 2005
Types d’événements
Séminaire LLB
Alexander I. FRANK
LLB – Bât 563 p15 (Grande Salle)
50 places
Vidéo Projecteur
March 24 2005
to 14:30

Short review of the non stationary quantum experiments in neutron optics will be presented. The results of the recent experiments for the observation of the quantum effects at neutron diffraction at the moving grating and neutron time focusing will be reported. The optical phenomena, which occur at neutron wave interacts with a matter, which is characterized by a variable potential will be also considered. The time dependence of a potential is due to time variation of the magnetization vector of a matter. Since interaction is non-stationary the neutron energy changes. Therefore, in this case the reflected waves are characterized by a reflected angle differing from a falling angle. The waves, which passed through a plane sample, may also change their direction. The variation of the neutron energy and the direction of its velocity are closely related to the reversal of the neutron spin projection. Possibilities to apply the slab with rotating magnetization vector as a spin flipper and a coherent wave splitter will be discussed.