Call for proposal on IN13 Italian/French CRG at the ILL : 28/02/2021

Call for proposal on IN13 Italian/French CRG at the ILL : 28/02/2021


Thanks to the possibility recently offered by ILL to extend the operational period of IN13 to late 2021, under specific contract conditions between UGA and ILL, we will be able to operate the instrument while preparing the renewal of the next 5-years contract. This represents a very good opportunity that we have to exploit at best. Thus, we can now offer beamtime during the second and third cycle of 2021 (May-July and August-October).

We decided to take advantage of this exceptional regime of instrument exploitation to explore new thematics and attract new users. The output of this period will help in drawing the scientific perspective of the instrument, in view of the upgrade that will take place in 2022. Therefore, experiments in physics, chemistry or material science are encouraged, to enrich the well established possibilities in biology and biophysics. For technical reasons, experiments requiring specific or particular conditions for their feasibility (high pressure, high temperature, special sample environment…) will nevertheless be checked case by case.

Two modalities are possible for asking for beamtime:

  1. The standards ILL proposal submission. Expenditure for lodging and travel at charge of ILL (deadline February 15th, please visit the ILL web site for major information).
  2. The CRG dedicated time protocol by February 28th. For the french beamtime, please use the PHOENIX portal ( For french users, the usual rules for costs reimbursement through 2FDN apply. For italian beamtime, please fill in the proposal template available at the endof this news and send it back to Francesca Natali ().

Prior to submission and independently for the chosen modality, we invite potential users to get in contact with the instrument team () to define properly the experimental conditions and check the feasibility of the experiment. We are looking forward to receiving your proposal

From the IN13 instrument team.

N.B.  : If proposal in French are still accepted, english submission are encouraged.
Fédération Française de Diffusion Neutronique

  • Marie Plazanet – Liphy (Tel +33 (0) 4 76 51 47 82), Directrice 2FDN
  • Fabrice Cousin – LLB (Tel +33 (0) 1 69 08 67 73), Directeur adjoint 2FDN

Template-2021-in13.pdf (156 Ko)

Template-2021-in13.docx (23 Ko)