Dynamique et Interactions en phase COndensée

The Dynamique et Interactions en phase COndensée group brings together researchers from LIDYL and LPMS who study the responses of matter in solid or liquid form when subjected to light excitation, and more generally to ionizing radiation.

Research topics

The DICO group studies the responses of matter…

Techniques and instruments

Our platforms and instruments :

° Flume

° Nanolight

photolysis Flash

Partnerships and commercialization

The aim of interdisciplinary projects is to promote research, training and innovation activities between several Graduate Schools, thus encouraging collaboration on cross-disciplinary themes.

Université Paris Saclay interdisciplinary projects: INanoTheRad project

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M2 internships, Thesis topics, Jobs…

Latest news




    Dynamique du solide au cycle optique – TOCYDYS

  • LightDyNAmics


    LightDyNAmics is a European project entitled “DNA as a training platform for photodynamic processes in soft…

  • iNanoTheRad


    iNanoTheRad : un programme IDEX de l’Université Paris-Saclay pour les domaines : Biologie et chimie des…

European projects

Recent publications

Find out about our researchers’ scientific publications.

Condensed phase dynamics and interactions

Please find below our main research topics:

Electronic dynamics in dielectrics

We study excitation and relaxation processes…

Attosecond spectroscopy of materials

We use attosecond spectroscopy to observe the…

Biological molecules under UV-visible excitation

We are interested in the first events taking place in the…

Surface physics using angle- and spin-resolved photoemission

We carry out experiments aimed at understanding the…

Reaction dynamics in ionizing particle trace structures – effect of extreme dose rates

We are interested in radical chemistry in water…

High-order harmonic generation in crystals

The generation of high-order harmonics is a process that…

EUV metrology and lens-free imaging

We use short-wave coherent laser radiation to…

Teaching and Theses

Joining CEA gives you the opportunity to develop a motivating career path in a multidisciplinary scientific community open to both international research and industry.

Discover our projects

The Dynamique et Interactions en phase COndensée (DICO) group brings together researchers from LIDYL and LPMS who study the responses of matter in solid or liquid form when subjected to light excitation, and more generally to ionizing radiation.

Societal challenges and responsibilities

Energy transition, digital transition, healthcare of the future, global defense and security

Our job offers

Give meaning to your activity, lead and support R&D projects, cultivate and bring to life your spirit of innovation.

Theses, doctorates..

Discover our highly specialized training courses in the sciences.