

Head of Attophysic group : Pascal SALIERES

Scientific goals

In the last ten years, the development of perfectly controlled femtosecond laser pulses at high intensities and few-cycle duration has opened a whole new range of opportunities. Indeed, this allows controlling with fs/as precision their interaction with matter and, in particular, creating secondary sources of XUV radiation in the attosecond range (1 as= 10-18 s) using the high harmonic generation (HHG) process. These advanced femtosecond/attosecond sources allow probing the structure and dynamics of matter on the atomic/electronic timescales and lengthscales (Angström). This has become a hot topic in the scientific community with intense international competition.

Based on the expertise accumulated over 30 years of intense laser-matter studies, the main goals of the Attophysics group in the last five years have been the following:

I) Understand and control the laser-driven rescattering dynamics of an oscillating electron with the ion core, that leads to a number of important processes, such as electron-ion elastic scattering, multiple ionization or recombination with emission of attosecond pulses of XUV light

II) Develop the attosecond technologies, i.e., the synthesis of attosecond sources with controlled properties (polarization, single/multiple pulses separated in space/time, …), their advanced characterization using attosecond metrology, the buildup of integrated attosecond beamlines stable and reliable for users

III) Develop new types of spectroscopies (high harmonic spectroscopy, attosecond photoionization spectroscopy) making use of the attosecond emission in order to study ultrafast electronic and nuclear dynamics in the gas phase as well as in the solid phase.

IV) Develop new (lensless) imaging techniques in the XUV with high temporal (atto/femto) and spatial (nm) resolutions allowing the observation of various dynamical processes (spin reversal of magnetic nano-domains, biological cell imaging)

V) Study high harmonic generation in solids (semiconductors, dielectrics, 2D materials: graphene, MoSe2) for applications to: ’all-solid-state’ attosecond emission, spatio-temporal manipulations, nanoplamonics, PHz optoelectronics…

Research topics

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    Dynamique du solide au cycle optique – TOCYDYS

  • iNanoTheRad


    iNanoTheRad : un programme IDEX de l’Université Paris-Saclay pour les domaines : Biologie et chimie des radiations, Signalisation cellulaire et cancer The NanoTheRad project is an IRS (Initiative de Recherche Stratégique) of Paris-Saclay University. The aim is the improvement and personalization of treatments to increase cure rates and reduce side effects of cancer treatments by…

  • Ion Pairs

    Ion Pairs

    Ion Pairs Ion pairs are ubiquitous in Nature, from sea water and aerosols, to living organisms. Being the very first step of crystallization of ionic species and influencing the properties of…

  • LightDyNAmics


    LightDyNAmics is a European project entitled “DNA as a training platform for photodynamic processes in soft materials”. (ETN H2020) started on April 2018. Some key aspects studied in the frame of…

  • OPTOLOGIC (2020-2024) – H2020 FET OPEN

    OPTOLOGIC (2020-2024) – H2020 FET OPEN

    The aim of this project is to develop a new technology for energy-efficient logic operations based on the use of light-induced and light-controlled topology in two-dimensional materials. This will create a new technology platform that exploits the best aspects of topology, optoelectronics and quantum materials by combining i) topology protection to achieve dissipation-free electronic transport,…



    TUNIFOLDS : Building blocks of foldamers in the gas phase Contacts M. Mons, V. Brenner This topic capitalizes on the team’s achievements and in particular its pioneering role in the laser…

Domaines Techniques

  • Attosecond beamlines

    Attosecond beamlines

    The ATTOphysics Group is the Coordinator of the brand new national facility ATTOLab. Initiated by an Equipment of Excellence (Equipex) program of the National Research Agency (ANR), it gathers nine…

  • Laser


    The femtosecond laser facilities of the DRECAM offer to the national and european researchers, ultra short pulse duration and high intensity laser lines instrumented by numerous diagnostics. These…

  • Management of the FAB1-10 laser on the ATTOLab platform (English)

    Management of the FAB1-10 laser on the ATTOLab platform (English)

    Managing our laser platforms For over thirty years, LIDYL has owned and operated a range of high-level laser platforms based on intense femtosecond lasers. The laboratory’s objective has always been to develop its platforms in such a way as to reconcile reliability and technological progress. Laser management is handled by the user team for medium-sized…


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Thèmes de recherche
