Control command system for experiments with TANGO

Laboratory experiments are increasingly composed of electronic hardware and computer controlled. In most cases the quality of the equipment (mechanical, electronics) is very good but the software is inadequate and not very flexible to the needs of researchers.

LIONS chose to use the open source control system  TANGO developed by a collaboration of European synchrotrons ans scientific institutes (ESRF, SOLEIL...).

This system can interface easily each component of the experience, whether hardware (sensors, motors, ...) or software, and distribute them over a network. TANGO operates much like a software bus, allowing all system components communicate. 

TANGO provides generic tools for configuration, testing, deployment, supervision. This facilitates the developments and changes to the experiments.

The collaborative effort propose various software, programming langages, user interfaces, or devices drivers...

LIONS have developped a lot of Device Servers for his own hardwares and a Python user interface.

Complete report of the engineer project of Olivier Taché (pdf in french 5 Mo)
Slides of the presentation for the engineer project (pdf in french 2 Mo)

#1775 - Màj : 27/02/2014
Technique (desc. gen.)
Olivier Taché
TANGOwatch is the first Android application dedicated for TANGO control command system. Android is the exploitation system used in most of modern smartphone connected to internet.
Python is a powerfull, oriented langage. The syntax is very simple and easy to learn. A lot of Scientific modules exist. Why use Python to interact with the system ? As many X-ray experiments (see ESRF or Soleil), a lot of hardware should be used for one experience. In fact, experiment logic is not always the same, then it is hard to develop an ergonomic Graphic User Interface. It is easier for scientists to type commands.
The TANGO system works around the concept of "Device Server ". A device server is a program that deals specifically with permanent dialogue ("server") with the apparatus ("device"). The device server can be written in Java, C + +, Python, based on their use. Good programming practices in LIONS want the device servers based on external libraries or DLL C are programmed in C + +. Other devices are servers written in Python.  Around 50 Device Servers have been developed at LIONS.
Olivier Taché, Florent Malloggi
The microfluidics is the science and technology of systems that process or manipulate small amounts of fluids, using channels with dimensions of tens to hundreds of micrometers. Since a decade microfluidics has become a powerful tool for fundamental and applied researches. Microfluidics influence subject areas from chemical synthesis and biological analysis to optics and information technology. At CEA / LIONS, we integrate microfluidics technology in several research projects.


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