Laboratoire Léon Brillouin

UMR12 CEA-CNRS, Bât. 563 CEA Saclay

91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France


Let's scatter neutrons

Activités instrumentales nationales et internationales du LLB - National and internatonial instrumental activities at the LLB
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On its own and through the "Fédération Française de diffusion Neutronique", LLB is engaged on several instruments outside Saclay :

LLB has transfered its best SANS machine PA20 to PSI. Called now SANS-LLB will restart to be open to users mid of 2023.



#2757 - Last update : 04/26 2024
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  DREAM: A versatile powder diffractometer with single crystal capabilities   Brief description DREAM is a time-of-flight diffractometer that is mainly dedicated to powder diffraction, but also offers single crystal capabilities.
Brief description SAM is a medium size small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) instrument, developed by the Laboratoire Léon Brillouin (LLB) in collaboration with the Institut Laue Langevin (ILL, Grenoble).
LLB is engaged at various levels in the construction of five spectrometers around ESS (European Spallation Source in Sweden) Bifrost, the "Extreme Environment Spectrometer" will explore the intricate physics of magnetism and superconductivity, with applications in the IT and energy materials of tomorrow. It will also be used in geoscience and functional materials.
LLB is engaged at various levels in the construction of five spectrometers around ESS (European Spallation Source in Sweden) Among them, C-SPEC is the "Cold Chopper Spectrometer". C-SPEC will be used in a wide variety of scientific applications, spanning the life sciences, functional materials and chemistry. Its key capability is to follow kinetic events in situ or in operando, enabled by very high flux.
MAGiC: a polarised single crystal diffractometer   Brief description MAGiC is a polarized time-of-flight single-crystal diffractometer dedicated to the study of magnetic properties in both applied and purely fundamental systems. Its development and construction are supported by a French/German/Swiss consortium, relying on a mesh of unique and complementary technical and scientific expertise.
The Laboratoire Léon Brillouin (LLB) holds the French expertise in neutron science and related instrumentation. LLB is engaged in the upgrade of IN6 through a CRG contract of type A. This upgrade has been performed during the 2019 shutdown of ILL. this is the SHARP project ("Spectromètre Hybride Alpes Région Parisienne" ). LLB is now in charge of the new Sharp spectrometer that was in operation during the last reactor cycle of 2021.
LLB is engaged at various levels in the construction of five spectrometers around ESS (European Spallation Source in Sweden). Skadi-2020-09.pdf


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