Vincent DERYCKE (français)


  • Directeur de Recherche CEA
  • Chercheur au laboratoire LICSEN (ex-responsable du laboratoire jusqu’en Sept. 2024)
  • Adjoint à la cheffe de service de l’UMR NIMBE 3685 (depuis Juillet 2022)

Sujets de recherche

  • Électronique à base de nanomatériaux 1D et 2D (nanotubes de carbone, graphène, MoS2), notamment électronique RF & flexible
  • Électronique organique et moléculaire (mémoires organiques, nano-diélectriques organiques)
  • Dispositifs mémoires et circuits à apprentissage (réseaux de neurones utilisant des memristors comme synapses)


Parcours scientifique :

Depuis 01/2014

► Responsable du groupe LICSEN (~25 membres: 13 permanents + ~15 thésards, postdocs et CDD)

06/2008 – 12/2013

► Responsable du groupe LEM (Laboratoire d’Electronique Moléculaire)


► Chercheur au CEA depuis novembre 2002. Laboratoire LEM dirigé par J-P. Bourgoin

11/2000 – 10/2002

► Postdoc à IBM dans le groupe de recherche de Ph. Avouris « Nanometer Scale Science and Technology », IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award pour la réalisation du premier inverseur CMOS à base de nanotubes de carbone


►Docteur de l’Université de Paris-Sud/Orsay (2000). Travaux de thèse réalisés au SPCSI, groupe SIMA (Pr. P. Soukiassian)


►Ingénieur ISEN (1996) et DEA USTL-I

Production scientifique :

  • ► Co-auteur de 100 publications
  • ► Co-auteur de 13 brevets (liste complète des brevets en bas de cette page)

Sélection de publications scientifiques

Voir la liste complète des Publications récentes dans la base HAL CEA.

In Operando Study of Charge Modulation in MoS2 Transistors by Excitonic Reflection Microscopy
Nathan Ullberg, Arianna Filoramo, Stéphane Campidelli, and Vincent Derycke, 
ACS Nano 18, 9886 (2024).

A simple KPFM-based approach for electrostatic-free topographic measurements: the case of MoS2 on SiO2, Aloïs Arrighi, Nathan Ullberg, Vincent Derycke, Benjamin Grévin, Nanotechnology 34, 215705 (2023)

Ideal optical contrast for 2D materials observation using bi-layer antireflection absorbing substrates, Kevin Jaouen, Renaud Cornut, Dominique Ausserré, Stephane Campidelli, Vincent Derycke, Nanoscale 11, 6129 (2019).

Effect of Halide Ion Migration on the Electrical Properties of Methylammonium Lead Tri-Iodide Perovskite Solar Cells, Heejae Lee, Sofia Gaiaschi, Patrick Chapon, Denis Tondelier, Jean-Eric Bourée, Yvan Bonnassieux, Vincent Derycke, Bernard Geffroy, J. Phys. Chem. C 123, 17728 (2019)

Fine growth control of electrografted homogeneous thin films on patterned gold electrodes, F. Lebon, R. Cornut, V. Derycke, B. Jousselme, Electrochimica Acta 318, 754 (2019)

Backside absorbing layer microscopy: Watching graphene chemistry, Stéphane Campidelli, Refahi Abou Khachfe, Kevin Jaouen, Jean Monteiller, Claude Amra, Myriam Zerrad, Renaud Cornut, Vincent Derycke, Dominique Ausserré, Science Advances 3, e1601724 (2017)

Electronic transport of MoS2 mono-layered flakes investigated by scanning electrochemical microscopy, O. Henrotte, T. Bottein, H. Casademont, K. Jaouen, T. Bourgeteau, S. Campidelli, V. Derycke, B. Jousselme and R. Cornut, ChemPhysChem 18, 2777 (2017)

Physical Realization of a Supervised Learning System Built with Organic Memristive Synapses, Yu-Pu Lin, Christopher H. Bennett, Théo Cabaret, Damir Vodenicarevic, Djaafar Chabi, Damien Querlioz, Bruno Jousselme, Vincent Derycke, Jacques-Olivier Klein, Scientific Reports 6, 31932 (2016)

Electrografted Fluorinated Organic Ultrathin Film as Efficient Gate Dielectric in MoS2 Transistors, H. Casademont, L. Fillaud, X. Lefevre, B. Jousselme, V. Derycke, J. Phys. Chem. C 120, 9506 (2016)

Localized Reduction of Graphene Oxide by Electrogenerated Naphthalene Radical Anions and Subsequent Diazonium Electrografting, J. Azevedo, L. Fillaud, C. Bourdillon, J-M. Noel, F. Kanoufi, B. Jousselme, V. Derycke, S. Campidelli, R. Cornut, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136, 4833 (2014)

Carbon Nanotube-Templated Synthesis of Covalent Porphyrin Network for Oxygen Reduction Reaction, I. Hijazi, T. Bourgeteau, R. Cornut, A. Morozan, A. Filoramo, J. Leroy, V. Derycke, B. Jousselme, S. Campidelli, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136, 6348 (2014)

Autres publications :

A highly selective non-radical diazo coupling provides low cost semi-conducting carbon nanotubes
Darchy, L., N. Hanifi, F. Vialla, C. Voisin, P.-A. Bayle, L. Genovese, C. Celle, J.-P. Simonato, A. Filoramo, V. Derycke and P. Chenevier, Carbon 66, 246-258 (2014).

New Insights into the Electronic Transport of Reduced Graphene Oxide Using Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy
T. Bourgeteau, S. Le Vot, M. Bertucchi, V. Derycke, B. Jousselme, S. Campidelli, R. Cornut, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 5, 4162 (2014).

Integrating multiple resistive memory devices on a single carbon nanotube
D. Brunel, C. Anghel, D-Y. Kim, S. Tahir, S. Lenfant, A. Filoramo, T. Kontos, D. Vuillaume, V. Jourdain, V. Derycke, Adv. Func. Mater. 23, 5631 (2013).

Neuromorphic Function Learning with Carbon Nanotube-based Synapses
K. Gacem, J-M. Retrouvey, D. Chabi, A. Filoramo, W. Zhao, J-O. Klein, V. Derycke
Nanotechnology 24, 384013 (2013).

Contactless Surface Conductivity Mapping of Graphene Oxide Thin Films Deposited on Glass with Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy
J. Azevedo, C. Bourdillon, V. Derycke, S. Campidelli, C. Lefrou, R. Cornut,
Analytical Chemistry 85, 1812 (2013).

Flexible GHz Transistors Derived from Solution-Based Single-Layer Graphene
C. Sire, F. Ardiaca, S. Lepilliet, J-W. T. Seo, M. C. Hersam, G. Dambrine, H. Happy, V. Derycke
Nano Lett. 12, 1184 (2012)

Two-Terminal Carbon Nanotube Programmable Devices for Adaptive Architectures
G. Agnus et al
Advanced Materials 22, 702 (2010)

80 GHz field-effect transistors produced using high purity semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes
L. Nougaret et al
Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 243505 (2009)

Nanotube Transistors as Direct Probes of the Trap Dynamics at Dielectric-Organic Interfaces of Interest in Organic Electronics and Solar Cells
C. Anghel et al
Nano Letters 8, 3619 (2008)

Gigahertz frequency flexible carbon nanotube transistor
N. Chimot et al
Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 153111 (2007)

Optoelectronic switch and memory devices based on polymer functionalized carbon nanotube transistors
J. Borghetti, V. Derycke, S. Lenfant, P. Chenevier, A. Filoramo, M. Goffman, D. Vuillaume and J. P. Bourgoin, Adv. Mater. 18, 2535 (2006)

Directed assembly for carbon nanotube device fabrication
J.P. Bourgoin, J. Borghetti, P. Chenevier, V. Derycke, A. Filoramo, L. Goux, M.F. Goffman, S. Lyonnais, K. Nguyen, G. Robert, S. Streiff, J.M. Bethoux, H. Happy, G. Dambrine, S. Lenfant and D. Vuillaume, IEDM 2006 Technical Digest, p 435.

Scaling Law in Carbon Nanotube Electromechanical Devices
R. Lefèvre, M. F. Goffman, V. Derycke, C. Miko, L. Forró, J. P. Bourgoin, and P. Hesto
Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 185504 (2005).

Chemical optimization of self-assembled nanotube transistors
S. Auvray, V. Derycke, M. Goffman, A. Filoramo, O. Jost and J-P. Bourgoin
Nano Letters 5, 451 (2005).

Nanochemistry at the Atomic Scale Revealed in Hydrogen-Induced Semiconductor Surface Metallization
V. Derycke, P. Soukiassian, F. Amy, Y. Chabal, M. D’angelo, H. Enriquez and M. Silly
Nature Materials 2, 253 (2003)

Catalyst-free growth of ordered carbon nanotube networks
V. Derycke, R. Martel , M. Radosavljevic, F.M. Ross and Ph. Avouris
Nano Letters 2, 1043 (2002).

Field-modulated carrier transport in carbon nanotube transistors
J. Appenzeller, J. Knoch, R. Martel, V. Derycke, S. J. Wind and Ph. Avouris
Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 126801 (2002).

Carbon nanotubes as Schottky barrier transistors
S. Heinze, J. Tersoff, R. Martel, V. Derycke, J. Appenzeller and Ph. Avouris
Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 106801 (2002).

Ambipolar Electrical Transport in Semiconducting Single-wall Carbon Nanotubes
R. Martel, V. Derycke, C. Lavoie, J. Appenzeller, K. Chen, J. Tersoff and Ph. Avouris
Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 256805 (2001).

Carbon Nanotube Inter- and Intramolecular Logic Gates
V. Derycke, R. Martel, J. Appenzeller, and Ph. Avouris
Nano Letters 1(9), 453 (2001).

Molecular-hydrogen interaction with beta-SiC(100) 3×2 and c(4×2) surfaces and with Si atomic lines
V. Derycke, P. Fonteneau, N. P. Pham, and P. Soukiassian
Phys. Rev. B 63, R201305 (2001).

Core-level Photoemission Spectroscopy of the beta-SiC(100) c(4×2) Surface
V. Yu. Aristov, H. Enriquez, V. Derycke, P. Soukiassian, G. Le Lay, C. Grupp and A. Taleb-Ibrahimi
Phys. Rev. B 60, 16553 (1999).

Carbon Atomic Chain Formation on the beta-SiC(100) Surface by controlled sp -> sp3 Transformation
V. Derycke, P. Soukiassian, A. Mayne, G. Dujardin and J. Gautier
Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 5868 (1998)

Brevets / Patents

Format: N° et date de dépôt / N° et date de publication de la demande

Source :

  1. PCT/EP2017056982 – 2017-03-23 / WO2017178209 – 2017-10-19
  2. PCT/EP2016081600 – 2016-12-16 / WO2017103222 – 2017-06-22
  3. EP09172679 – 2009-10-09 / EP2309515 – 2011-04-13
  4. PCT/EP2010053484 – 2010-03-17 / WO2010106116 – 2010-09-23
  5. PCT/FR2009001472 – 2009-12-22 / WO2010072924 – 2010-07-01
  6. PCT/FR2008050894 – 2008-05-23 / WO2008152281 – 2008-12-18
  7. PCT/FR2007000432 – 2007-03-13 / WO2007104858 – 2007-09-20
  8. PCT/FR2005001840 – 2005-07-19 / WO2006018497 – 2006-02-23
  9. PCT/EP0308827 – 2003-04-22 / WO2004094308 – 2004-11-04
  10. PCT/FR0201323 – 2002-04-17 / WO02086202 – 2002-10-31
  11. PCT/FR0201326 – 2002-04-17 / WO02085778 – 2002-10-31
  12. PCT/FR9902979 – 1999-12-01 / WO0032853 – 2000-06-08