The Laboratoire Léon Brillouin (LLB) holds the French expertise in neutron science and related instrumentation. LLB is engaged in the upgrade of IN6 through a CRG contract of type A. This upgrade has been performed during the 2019 shutdown of ILL. this is the SHARP project (« Spectromètre Hybride Alpes Région Parisienne » ). LLB is now in charge of the new Sharp spectrometer that was in operation during the last reactor cycle of 2021. During the current long shutdown of the reactor, Sharp will be transfered at the end of the new H15 guide.
Find a detailed description of the Sharp upgrade with first mesurements here (! French original version !)
Details of the upgrade will be find in the following links:
- 30/11/2020, delivery of the time of flight chamber of Sharp at the ILL
- 24/03/2021, first neutrons on Sharp
- 4/09/2021, first user experiment on Sharp
- 29/3/2022, from IN6 to Sharp+
- CRG SHARP General Report 2017-2022
- Transfer of Sharp to the end of H15 (23-24 Nov. 2022)
Some Sharp videos :