IRAMIS/NIMBE is coordinating one of the projects, FastNano, which aims to target and strengthen research into 0, 1 and 2D nano-objects that can be used for innovative applications in the fields of renewable energies (materials for all-solid-state batteries, electro- and photo-catalysis, photovoltaics…), healthcare (biological marking, nanomedicine, diagnostics…) and electronics (MIM- Metal-Isolant-Metal diodes, optoelectronics…)
The aim of the DIADEM project is to build 4 synthesis platforms (40% of the allocated budget) equipped with high-throughput on-line characterization tools feeding AI-assisted data processing. These platforms, which will enable the synthesis of gas-phase and liquid-phase nanoparticles, thin films and 2D and 3D heterostructures, will be made available to the scientific community via dedicated AAPs (40% of the budget).
DIADEM partner laboratories: NIMBE Univ. Paris-Saclay – UMR CEA-CNRS, INSP (Paris-Sorbonne), C2N (UPSaclay), PMC (IPP), IPCMS (Univ. Strasbourg) and LMGP (Univ. Grenoble-Alpes).