From Monday, July 7, 12pm to Thursday, July 10, 2025, 2pm, at the Cadarache guest house
NB : the school will be in french (see the french program).

This 2nd Bernard Bigot school is dedicated to gases. It is open to engineers in charge of processes involving gases in an industrial environment, or to researchers holding a doctorate.
They are either working on improving processes using gases, or developing science beyond description, in the field of gas production, detection, transport and storage. Participation in the conference is 50% industrial and 50% academic.
This Bernard Bigot Conference will take place over 6 half-days, with ten 45′ lectures, 8 plenary sessions, and discussions initiated by oral contributions from invited participants.
Each of the 24 participants will also have the opportunity to present, in the presence of the speakers, a scientific breakthrough, a surprising observation to explain, or a known technological challenge that is difficult to overcome with current knowledge (~15 min).
NB: No registration fee. Full board accommodation (incl. VAT) ~900€.

The School, residential from Monday lunchtime to Thursday lunchtime, is limited to 24 participants: 8 from industry, 8 from EPIC and 8 from academia.
The program includes 15-minute oral contributions by all participants on a counter-intuitive observation, an innovative process, an unsolved question, a piece of theory that works without parameters, a study using a fine experimental method under development, or a process diagram to be optimized. This is not a presentation to be announced by an abstract, but an intervention related to the École 2025 theme.
Scientific and Organizing Committee :
- Christian Amatore
- Gabriele Fioni
- Jean-Christophe P. Gabriel, (CEA-DRF/NIMBE/LICSEN)
- Jean-François Gérard
- Hélène Olivier-Bourbigou
- Stéphane Sarrade (CEA-DES/EC/DPE)
- Olga Vizika-Kavvadias
- Philippe Walter
- Thomas Zemb (CEA-DRF/UGICSM)
Course program :
12 separative chemistry courses & participants’ contributions & 7 general lectures by
Bruno Chaudret, Guillaume Boissonnet (TBC), Regis Réau, Gilles Ramstein, Sarah Bouquet
Stéphane Sarrade & Vincent Artero.
- “H2 issues in electrolysis: efficiency and safety”, J. Mougin (LITEN)
- “Synthesis gas: Hydrogenation of CO2 into synthesis gas by the reaction
Reverse Water-Gas-Shift (RWGS) reaction”, Marie Dehlinger (IFPEN) - “Sustainable fuels – Fischer-Tropsch synthesis”, Marie Dehlinger (IFPEN)
- “Study of gas diffusion in solids & liquids / Interaction gaz solide by NMR Xe
hyperpolarization” Patrick Berthault (CEA) - “Nanotechnologies versus gas sensors” Jean-Christophe Gabriel (CEA/NIMBE)
- “Artificial Noses” Yanxia Hou-Broutin (CEA/IRIG)
- “Diffusion in solid materials and mechanical couplings: a generalized thermodynamic approach
thermodynamic approach” Laurent Cangemi (IFPEN) - “Separation by membrane or selective porous materials”, Air Liquide (TBC)
- “Thermodynamic contribution to the design of CO2 storage methods”, Pascal Mougin (IFPEN)
“Gas adsorption and capillary condensation”, Christiane Alba-Simionesco (CEA) - “Hydrogen supply chain, leaks and materials”, Simon Jallais (Air Liquide)
Liquide) - “Geological hydrogen: the new green gold”, (TBD)