Self-scrolled layers: modeling, synthesis and properties

September 25 2019
Types d’événements
Séminaire NIMBE
NIMBE Bât 546, p.21
20 places
September 25 2019
from 11:00 to 12:00

This 3-part talk will cover, first, a range of known poly- and single-crystalline layers which have an ability of scrolling into micro- and nanostructures. We will take a look on those reasons, and on how energy modelling could help to better understand scrolling process addressing the particular example of hydrosilicate nanoscrolls. We also will discuss some energy model predictions including chemical composition inhomogeneity along the nanoscroll spiral. In the conclusion we will briefly stop on some properties of hydrosilicate nanoscrolls as magnetic materials, precursors for chemical reactions, and objects for nanomechanics.
Second part of the talk will consider the possibilities of optical measurements in ITMO University (St. Petersburg). The third part will review some perspectives in Russia-France collaboration, mainly joint research programs.

Ioffe Institute, ITMO University, Russia