Séminaire NIMBE/LIONS Adaptive algorithms for modeling and simulating nanosystems Stéphane REDON 07/04/2011
Séminaire NIMBE/LIONS Interfacial nanoparticle self-assembly: recent hard X-ray studies Diego PONTONI 10/03/2011
Séminaire NIMBE/LIONS Drying of colloidal suspensions in confined geometries Jean-Baptiste SALMON 03/02/2011
Séminaire NIMBE/LIONS NANOGENOTOX Towards a method for detecting the potential genotoxicity of nanomaterials. Camille GUIOT 25/11/2010
Séminaire NIMBE/LIONS HERMES: First X-ray Microscopy Beamline at Synchrotron SOLEIL Sufal SWARAJ 14/10/2010
Séminaire NIMBE Spatially encoded NMR as a novel MR imaging modality – Principles and prospects Lucio Frydman 07/10/2010
Séminaire NIMBE/LIONS Terminal velocity of a heavy object in a superlight granular medium Gabriel A. Caballero-Robledo 24/09/2010
Séminaire NIMBE/LIONS “Ordering of Nano-structured materials on water surface” Prof. Milan SANYAL 20/09/2010
Séminaire NIMBE Radiation chemistry of polymer materials for anti-ageing of electric cables insulation in nuclear power plants Hisaaki KUDO 27/07/2010
Séminaire NIMBE Modeling and simulation for separations processes in nuclear fuel reprocessing Joel Kress 12/07/2010