Professional skills
2004-2013 Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique – Centre de Saclay
In charge of the laser-driven proton acceleration thematic inside the team « Physique à Haute Intensité » (DSM/IRAMIS/SPAM).
2002-2004 Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique – Centre de Saclay
Permanent researcher at Service des Photons, Atomes et Molécules (CEA‑DSM/DRECAM).
In charge of plasma diagnostics for the optimization of an industrial-oriented nanolithography source in the EUV wavelength domain (project EXULITE).
2000-2002 Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique – Centre de Saclay
Post-doc position.
In charge of plasma diagnostics and related metrology in the framework of the research program PREUVE (Programme R&D pour la Nanolithographie dans l’Extrême Ultraviolet: sources de rayonnement, optiques réflectives, masques et métrologies associées).
1996-1999 Université Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 6
PhD. in Plasma Physics Dissertation title: “Etude de l’évolution spatio‑temporelle d’un plasma issu d’une collision de feuilles minces accélérées par impulsion laser – Space-time evolution of a laser-accelerated thin foil collision driven plasma”. Adviser : Pr. E. Leboucher-Dalimier (Université Paris 6). Mention: Très honorable avec les félicitations du jury.
1986-1994 Università degli Studi di Pisa
Dipartimento di Fisica
“Laurea” graduation in Physics Dissertation title “Studio delle caratteristiche di un fascio laser trattato con lame a fase aleatoria – Study of the features of a random phase plate modified laser beam”. Adviser: Dr A. Giulietti (CNR). Mention: 103/110.
Fields of interest and competences
- Atomic physics in plasmas
- Laser-matter interaction physics
- Laser-driven charged particles acceleration
- X and EUV spectrometry and imaging
- Charged particle diagnostics (conception, realization and application)
- Hydrodynamic and atomic physics numerical codes
Related activities
- Supervisor of 2 Phd students and 3 Master students
- Coordinator of the ANR “GOSPEL” project (2008-2011)
- Referee for the “New Journal of Physics” and “Physics of Plasmas”
- Member of the LEA (Laser en Aquitaine) scientific panel – Bordeaux
- Member of the PETAL+ workgroup (proton diagnostics) – Bordeaux
- Associated researcher at the Istituto Nazionale d’Ottica (Italy)
- Recognized as “Expert” by the CEA in plasma physics
- Member of the organizing committee of 2 international conferences (ULIS 2007 and ULIS 2009) and the next Institute Laser Plasma Forum (September 2012)
Scientific publications
Patents: 1
Publications: 57
Referred papers: 49
H factor: 10 (ISI web of Science)
Citations: 486
Most representative publications:
- « Plasma mirrors for ultrahigh-intensity optics »Thaury C.; Quere F.; Geindre J.-P.; et al., Nature Physics, 3, 424 (2007)
- « Proton acceleration with high-intensity ultrahigh-contrast laser pulses », Ceccotti T.; Levy A.; Popescu H.; et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 185002 (2007)
- « Fast-Ion Energy-Flux Enhancement from Ultrathin Foils Irradiated by Intense and High-Contrast Short Laser Pulses », Andreev A.; Levy A.; Ceccotti T.; et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 101, 155002 (2008)
- « Intense gamma-ray source in the giant-dipole-resonance range driven by 10-TW laser pulses », Giulietti A.; Bourgeois N.; Ceccotti T.; et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 101, 105002 (2008)
- « Effect of a nanometer scale plasma on laser-accelerated ion beams », Levy A.; Nuter R.; Ceccotti T.; et al., NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 11, 093036 (2009)