Reaction Dynamics Group
The photo-reactivity of molecules and complexes is studied by 2 approaches:
Action spectroscopy
The photo-induced dynamic of molecules or van-der-Waals complexes in the UV-visible photon energy range is studied on EDELWEISS and CICR experimental setups. These are experiments of spectroscopy where the reaction products are identified either by the scattered fluorescence (continuous laser excitation, CICR setup) or by photoelectron spectroscopy (excitation by ns lasers, REMPI ionization, EDELWEISS setup). These experimental setups provides insight on action spectroscopy for the excitation of species which are well characterized, as a function of the stoichiometry. These studies were carried out on:
- Action spectroscopy of van-der-Waals Clusters
- Photoinduced reactivity of van-der-Waals Complexes deposited on clusters
- Isolated systems

Time-resolved spectroscopy
The time-resolved photo-induced dynamics of isolated molecules or complexes is carried out on EDELWEISS devices (dye lasers, ns range) and FEMTO (LUCA or ATTOLAB servers, fs-ps range). These experiments are based on the pump / probe technique. The pump energy is chosen according to the spectroscopy of the studied system, and the reaction products are tracked as a function of time by ionization using a second laser, the probe, delayed temporally. We look at the evolution of the mass spectrum and the photoelectron spectrum as a function of the delay between the pump and the probe lasers. We studied various systems:
- deposited atoms or molecule upon a cluster
- model molecules
- photochromic molecules
- solated open-shell molecules
- organometallic complexes
- Clusters and Nanoparticles