Presentation of the ATTOphysics group

Over the past 30 years, the ATTOphysics Group has developed extensive expertise in strong-field laser-matter interaction on the femto- and atto-second scales, and in the production, characterization and applications of attosecond pulses.
These fields have seen strong international expansion, which has accelerated over the last 5 years. The ability to study and control electronic dynamics in matter opens up the prospect of major scientific and technological breakthroughs, particularly in the fields of ultrafast optoelectronics/spintronics and chemical reactivity.
This breakthrough potential has been recognized by the award of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2023 to three pioneering scientists in the field, including two former ATTO researchers: Anne L’Huillier and Pierre Agostini.
It is this legacy that the group continues to build on, pursuing the development of new sources and spectroscopies, while maintaining strong collaborative and friendly ties with its great alumni.
The ATTO group’s scientific approach is based on three pillars:
- Upstream research into high-field laser-matter interaction, with particular emphasis on the optimization and control of attosecond sources;
- Use of these original sources for new applications in attosecond spectroscopy and imaging;
- Development and operation of state-of-the-art equipment (light lines, docking stations), in particular through collaborations. The ATTOLab platform, open to local, national and European users, is an excellent example.

Photo taken when Anne L’Huillier presented Pierre Agostini with the medal of Commandeur de la Légion d’Honneur on July 11, 2024
ATTOphysics Group Manager