Researcher in solid state physics, specialist in inelastic neutron scattering experiments
Deputy head of LLB
Research Topics
- Magnetism of insulators,
- Thin films, CMR manganites,
- Multiferroics,
- Spin-phonon coupling and Magneto-elastic coupling,
- Frustrated magnets,
- Low dimensional magnetism,
- Phase transitions,
- Liquid spin states,
- Quantum spin-ice
2021 –
Member of the « Objet Interdisciplinaire Matériaux” committee of the Physics Graduate School, Université Paris-Saclay, France
2019 –
Senior expert CEA – LLB/NFMQ team leader (20 persons)
2018 –
Member of the SHARP CRG (TOF spectrometer at ILL),Grenoble,France
Member of the Labex PALM Theme 1: “Correlated matter” committee, Université Paris-Saclay, France
Member of the “platforms” committee of the PHOM department, Université Paris-Saclay, France
Responsible for the triple-axis spectrometer 4F1 at Orphée-LLB reactor, LLB, France
2006 –
Researcher at the Centre d’Etudes de Bruyères-le-Chatel (CEA) : « Neutron and charged particles transport in fusion plasmas, transport in heterogeneous media and turbulent mixing ».
PhD in Solid State Physics at the university Paris Sud :
« Etude des excitations magnétiques dans le supraconducteur à haute température critique La2-xSrxCuO4 par diffusion inelastique des neutrons » / “Spin dynamics in high Tc superconductor La2-xSrxCuO4”.
Master in Solid State Physics
Thesis supervision / co-supervision
- Antoine Vaunat (2021) : « Nouvelle frustration hybride dans les matériaux fortement corrélés : l’électromagnon »
- Mélanie Léger (2021) : « Fragmentation quantique dans les systèmes magnétiques frustrés »
- Tom Ferté (2017) : « Dynamique ultrarapide de l’aimantation dans les alliages de métaux de transitions et de terres rares »
- Solène Guitteny (2015) : « Etude de systèmes frustrés par diffusion neutronique : Pr2Zr2O7 et Tb2Ti2O7 sont-ils des glaces de spin quantiques ?«
- Monica Hatnean (2012) : « Synthèse et étude de composés Ga₂₋ₓFeₓO₃«
- Xavier Fabrèges (2010) : « Etude des propriétés magnétiques et du couplage spin/réseau dans les composés multiferroïques RMnO3 hexagonaux par diffusion de neutrons«
Scientific Publications
- ORCID id : 0000-0002-2169-0544
- Archive ouverte – HAL (> 2009):
Before 2009 :
“Thin films”:
- A room-temperature multiferroic with giant tetragonality
H. Béa, B. Dupé, S. Fusil, R. Mattana, E. Jacquet, B. Warot-Fonrose, F. Wilhelm, A. Rogalev, S. Petit, V. Cros, A. Anane, F. Petroff, K. Bouzehouane, G. Geneste, B. Dkhil, S. Lisenkov, L. Bellaiche, M. Bibes and A. Barthélémy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 217603 (2009) - Structural distortion and magnetism of BiFeO3 epitaxial thin films : a Raman spectroscopy and neutron diffraction study
H. Béa, M. Bibes, S. Petit, J. Kreisel, A. Barthelemy, Philos. Mag. Lett., 87, 165 (2007) - Mechanisms of exchange bias with multiferroic BiFeO3 epitaxial thin films
H. Béa, M. Bibes, F. Ott, B. Dupé, X.-H. Zhu, S. Petit S. Fusil, C. Deranlot, K. Bouzehouane, and A. Barthélémy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 017204 (2008) - Neutron diffraction study of hexagonal manganite YMnO3, HoMnO3 and ErMnO3 epitaxial films
I. Gélard, C. Dubourdieu, S. Pailhès, S. Petit, and Ch. Simon, App. Phys Lett. 92, 1 (2008)
“Manganites with giant magneto-resistance »:
- Spin waves and metallic state of magnetoresistive manganites
S. Petit, M. Hennion, F. Moussa, D. Lamago, A. Ivanov and Y.Mukovskii, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 200 (2010) 012159 - Quantized spin waves in the metallic state of magnetoresistive manganites
S. Petit, M. Hennion, F. Moussa, D. Lamago, A. Ivanov, Y. M. Mukovskii4, D. Shulyatev, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 207201 (2009) - Intralayer and interlayer exchange tuned by magnetic field in the bilayer manganite (La 0.4Pr0.6 )1.2Sr1.8Mn2O7 probed by inelastic neutron scattering
F. Moussa, M. Hennion, A. Gukasov, S. Petit, L. P. Regnault, A. Ivanov, R. Suryanarayanan, M. Apostu, and A. Revcolevschi, Phys. Rev. B 78, 060406 (2008) - Spin waves in ferromagnetic manganites
F. Moussa, M. Hennion, P. Kober-Lehouelleur, D. Reznik, S. Petit, H. Moudden, A. Ivanov, Y. Mukovskii, R. Privezentsev, and F. Albenque-Rullier, Phys. Rev. B 76, 064403 (2007)
« Multiferroics »:
- Spin dynamics in the geometrically frustrated multiferroic CuCrO2
M. Poienar, F. Damay, C. Martin, J. Robert et S. Petit, Phys. Rev. B 81, 104411, (2010) - Spin-lattice coupling, frustration, and magnetic order in multiferroic RMnO3
X. Fabrèges, S. Petit, I. Mirebeau, S. Pailhès, L. Pinsard, A. Forget, M. T. Fernandez-Diaz, and F. Porcher, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 067204 (2009) - Hybrid Goldstone modes in multiferroics
S. Pailhès, X. Fabrèges1, L. P. Régnault, L. Pinsard-Godart, I. Mirebeau, F. Moussa, M. Hennion, and S. Petit, Phys. Rev. B 79, 134409 (2009) - Magnetic order in YbMnO3 studied by neutron diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy
X. Fabrèges, I. Mirebeau, P. Bonville, S. Petit, G. Lebras-Jasmin, A. Forget, G. André, and S. Pailhès, Phys. Rev. B 78, 214422 (2008) - Spin phonon coupling in hexagonal multiferroic YMnO3
S. Petit, F. Moussa, M. Hennion, S. Pailhès, L. Pinsard-Gaudart and A. Ivanov., Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 266604 (2007)
« 1-D systems »:
- Inelastic neutron scattering investigation of magnetic excitations in the spin-Peierls ground state of (TMTTF)2PF6
Pascale Foury-Leylekian, Sylvain Petit, Claude Coulon, Bernard Hennion, Alec Moradpour, Jean-Paul Pouget, Physica B 404 (2009) 537–540 - Incommensurate spin correlation driven by frustration in BiCu2PO6
O. Mentré, E. Janod, P. Rabu, M. Hennion, F. Leclercq-Hugeux, J. Kang,C. Lee, M.-H. Whangbo, and S. Petit, Phys. Rev. B, 80,180413R (2009)
“Supraconductivity” (PhD):
- Spin dynamic study of LaSrCuO4 by inelastic neutron scattering
S. Petit, H. Moudden, B Hennion, A. Vietkin and A Revcholevschi, Physica B, 234-236, 800-802, (1997) - Neutron study of the spin dynamics in superconducting LaSrCuO4
S. Petit, H. Moudden, B Hennion, A. Vietkin and A. Revcholevschi, Physica C, 282, p.1375-1376, (1997) - New slow and short range magnetic correlations in superconducting LaSrCuO4
S. Petit, H. Moudden, B Hennion, A. Vietkin and A. Revcholevschi, Eur. Phys. J. B, 3,163-167 (1997) - Hole dynamics in doped cuprates : high Tc superconductivity originated from antiferromagnetics exchange as a direct attractive interaction
F. Onufrieva, S. Petit, Y. Sidis, Phys. Rev. B 54 (12464), (1996) - Hole doped cuprates : from small to large Fermi surface
F. Onufrieva, S. Petit, Y. Sidis, Physica C, 226, 11, (1996) - Key feature for high Tc superconductivity antiferromagnetic exchange as attractive interaction, combined with saddle point singularities close to Fermi level
F. Onufrieva, S. Petit, Y. Sidis, J. Low. Temp. Phys, 105, 597, (1996)
Teaching activities
- Lectures on spin waves theory: JDN16, JDN18 and JDN22
- Summer schools of the Société française de la neutronique, MDANSE: “Molecular dynamics and lattice dynamics to analyse neutron scattering experiments”(Tenerife, Spain 2018),
- EPFL-ETHZ Summer School on quantum matter (Lausanne, Switzerland 2019),
- Neutron scattering techniques: European school of magnetism (Targoviste, Roumania 2011), Swedness summerschool (Tartu, Estonia 2017), University Paris 6 (2014-2018) and Bordeaux-I University (2008-2019).
Reviewing activities
- Since 2019: Member of the scientific advisory board of the LNCMI (Laboratoire National des Champs Magné-tiques Intenses),Grenoble, France
- Since 2019: Reviewer for Swiss national foundation (SNF), Switzerland
- Since 2015: Reviewer for the Agence Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique (ANR), France 2008-2013
- Reviewer for the ILL neutron facility, College 4,Grenoble,France
- Since 2008: Reviewer for the NIST neutron facility ,USA
- Since 2008: Reviewer for the LLB-Orphée french neutron facility (today 2FDN), Saclay, France
- Since 2008: Reviewer for PRL and Nature Physics.
Membership of Scientific Societies
- Since 2008 Member of the scientific society “Société Française de neutronique”
- Since 2011: Member of the CNRS Research Networks “GDR MICO” and “GDR MEETICC” (member of the scientific council).