Interactions magnétiques dans le composé paramagnétique coopératif Tb2Ti2O7

Interactions magnétiques dans le composé paramagnétique coopératif Tb2Ti2O7

Pendant une vingtaine d’années, le Tb2⁢Ti2O7 est resté une énigme pour la physique de la matière condensée et le magnétisme frustré.

For about two decades, Tb2⁢Ti2O7 has remained an enigma in condensed matter physics and frustrated magnetism. This material evades long-range order down to temperature as low as 20 mK, and, as in spin ice, its ground state exhibits puzzling diffuse magnetic scattering. To shed light on this issue, we present spin dynamics measurements by inelastic neutron scattering, which we confront with random phase approximation calculations (RPA) to determine exchange couplings capable of reproducing the dispersion of the first excited crystal electric field level. These couplings suggest that Tb2⁢Ti2O7 lives at the boundary between several phases, in particular the spin ice and planar antiferromagnetic ones.

Magnetic interactions in the cooperative paramagnet Tb2⁢Ti2O7,
A. Roll, V. Balédent, J. Robert, J. Ollivier, C. Decorse, S. Guitteny, I. Mirebeau, and S. Petit, Phys. Rev. Research 6 (2024) 043011.