Laboratoire Léon Brillouin

UMR12 CEA-CNRS, Bât. 563 CEA Saclay

91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France


Let's scatter neutrons

May 20, 2014
Ptychography with transient plasmas gratings
Ptychography with transient plasmas gratings

Left, density map of a transient plasma grating, 1.18 ps after the laser beam which created the plasma. Right, angularly resolved harmonic spectrum obtained experimentally on a planar target. In the center, the profile obtained for harmonics generated on a transient plasma grating. Diffraction by the grating is clearly observed.

A major challenge for the study of laser-matter interactions at ultrahigh intensity is to find simple methods both to control these interactions, and to characterize them on very small spatial scales (micron) and temporal (femtosecond to attosecond). In this context, I will show how, through a very simple shaping of a femtosecond laser beam of high power, one can generate 'plasmas gratings' resistant to ultraintenses laser pulses, at the surface of initially flat targets (glass plate). Using a diffractive imaging technique called 'ptychography', these transient plasma  gratings can then be used as diffracting objects to reconstruct  spatially, in amplitude and in phase, the harmonic field En (x) generated at the surface of the target. These results have widely exceeded our original goals, and I will put some emphasis on the unexpected path which led us there.


Optically Controlled Solid-Density Transient Plasma Gratings, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 145008 – Published 11 April 2014, S. Monchocé, S. Kahaly, A. Leblanc, L. Videau, P. Combis, F. Réau, D. Garzella, P. D’Oliveira, Ph. Martin, and F. Quéré, DOI:


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