The SLIC team (Supports et Lasers à Impulsions Courtes) is a laser development and technical support group. SLIC’s main mission is to provide state-of-the-art lasers for internal (LIDYL) and external (national and international) users.

The SLIC group is thus responsible for the operation, optimization and evolution of LIDYL’s UHI100 and ATTOLAB / FAB1-10 laser facilities, and also conducts research and development programs aimed primarily at improving these laser facilities in terms of performance and characterization in line with the evolution of the needs of their users. Work in recent years has focused on CEP stabilised Titanium-Sapphire CPA amplifier, on post-compression of intense femtosecond pulses and, within CLOE (joined R&D laboratory associating LIDYL and Cristal Laser) on the study of the processes involved in the creation and relaxation of ultraviolet laser-induced defects in dielectrics.

In addition, the SLIC group includes the mechanical and electronics workshops, the mechanical design office and the IT support (webmaster and user assistance).