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Research engineer on UHI100 laser experimental platform (permanent position) – Orme des merisiers h/f
CDDSeptember 10 202412 monthThe mission of CEA’s Fundamental Research Division, based at all the CEA’s civilian centers, is to carry out research in line with the CEA’s missions in the fields of physics, chemistry and life sciences, areas in which its excellence is recognized worldwide. The Laboratory Interactions,…
PhD thesis
Exploration of the energy deposition dynamic on short time scale with laser-driven electron accelerator in the context of the Flash effect in radiotherapy
PHI : Radiation-matter interactionsParis-Saclay Ondes et Matière (EDOM) SaclayThe objective of the thesis project is to analyze the physicochemical processes resulting from the extreme dose rates that can now be obtained in water with the ultra-short (fs) pulses of… -
Plasma Mirrors: towards extreme intensity light sources and high-quality compact electron
PHI : Radiation-matter interactionsParis-Saclay Ondes et Matière (EDOM) SaclayResearch objectives: expand the capabilities of the WarpX Partice-In-Cell code for lower cost-to-convergence using mesh refinement. Devise a high-charge highquality injector for laser-plasma… -
Very high energy electrons radiotherapy with beams from a wakefield accelerator
PHI : Radiation-matter interactionsParis-Saclay Ondes et Matière (EDOM) SaclayResearch objectives: Use numerical modelling to optimize the properties of laser-plasma accelerators in the 50 MeV-200 MeV range for VHEE radiotherapy: (i) optimize the properties of a laser-plasma…