Watching atoms and electrons in action with HHG and short wavelength free electron laser sources

June 28 2022
Types d’événements
Séminaires LIDYL
Orme des Merisiers Bâtiment 701 Pièce 17
June 28 2022
from 11:00 to 12:01

The present talk will illustrate the current status of short-wavelength free-electron laser (FEL) experiments, focusing on characteristic properties of different facilities and compare them with laboratory-based HHG source experiments. The advent of hard x-ray FELs, such as SACLA in Japan, opened a route to extract the structure of a single nanoparticle [1] and its change upon the intense laser irradiation, which transforms the nanoparticle into a nanoplasma [2]. The first high repetition rate soft x-ray FEL, the European XFEL, combined with a Reaction Microscope/COLTRIMS, made the long-standing dream to watch atoms in action – initiated by photoexcitation of a molecule – a tangible reality, using the so-called core-level photoelectron diffraction technique for fixed-in-space molecules [3]. Generation of two-color attosecond pulse pairs at the LCLS in the USA finally opened the door to watching charge migration in a molecule, before the nuclear dynamics sets in, with an attosecond transient absorption technique based on the detection of resonant Auger electrons [4]. Generating phase-coherent multi-color pulses at FERMI, on the other hand, provided a novel approach to coherently control the electronic wave-packets [5] and to read out the photoionization phase [6]. One can also directly access the energy dependent photoionization phases, or the photoionization time delays, by using the RABBITT technique with a laboratorybased HHG source, or attosecond pulse trains, which could also be used for studying the attosecond trapping of photoelectrons by the molecular shape resonances [7]. These works were carried out by a wide range of international collaborations.

I acknowledge all the collaborators in the authors list of [1-7] for fruitful collaborations.

[1] A. Niozu et al., IUCrJ 7, 276 (2020); A. Niozu et al., PNAS 118, e2111747118 (2021).

[2] T. Nishiyama et al., PRL 123, 123201 (2019); A. Niozu et al., PRX 11, 031046 (2021).

[3] G. Kastire et al., PRX 10, 021052 (2020).

[4] T. Barillot et al., PRX 11, 031048 (2021).

[5] K. Prince et al., Nature Photonics 10, 176 (2016); D. Iablonskyi et al., PRL 119, 073203 (2017).

[6] M. Di Fraia et al., PRL 123, 213904 (2019); D. You et al., PRX 10, 031070 (2020).

[7] X. Dong et al., PRX 12, 011002 (2022).

Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan