Watching and controlling ultrafast photoinduced phase transitions in molecular materials

June 13 2023
Types d’événements
Séminaires LIDYL
Orme des Merisiers, Bât.701, Pièce 17 (salle de séminaires)
June 13 2023
from 11:00 to 12:30

The ultra-fast control of materials by light is a major challenge. By using a femtosecond laser flash, it is thus possible to generate spectacular changes in the physical properties of materials (ferroelectricity, conductivity, magnetism, photochromism, etc.) on ultra-fast time scales (fs or ps). The development of time-resolved experimental techniques makes it possible to follow in real time the dynamics of the elementary constituents of matter or of various degrees of freedom – such as electronic, molecular, crystalline structures or even symmetry – which are at the origin of the emergence of many functions. Moreover, it is possible to selectively excite a specific degree of freedom to optimize the photoinduced transformation process, non-equilibrium by nature. It is therefore essential to combine complementary techniques sensitive to these different degrees of freedom to gain a global understanding of their dynamics and their couplings, leading to a multi-scale transformation from molecule to material.

Institut de Physique de Rennes, Univ Rennes, CNRS – UMR 6251, F-35000 Rennes, France