The objectives of the TOCYDYS (Towards Optical CYcle DYnamics in Solids) project are as follows:
– Carry out an ambitious experimental and theoretical research program on ultrafast dynamics on femtosecond and attosecond time scales, in the field of solid-state physics and laser-matter interaction.
– Contribute to the sustainability and development of Equipex Attolab, whose funding expires at the end of 2019, by contributing to its operating costs and enhancing its attractiveness, notably by offering new experimental tools open to users and visitors.

TOCYDYS fundamental research program aims to probe the dynamics of solids, with temporal resolution on the scale of the optical cycle, and to break through the femtosecond resolution limit.
We will be focusing in particular on insulators such as silica and quartz (SiO2) or sapphire (Al2O3), but any type of material, insulator, semiconductor or metal can also be included in the program.
The work will be carried out using the recently opened facilities at LOA and LIDYL of the Equipex AttoLAb. We will have access to phase-stabilized lasers and associated ultra-short VUV pulses.
The experiments will involve exciting the samples with pulses of a few optical cycles (intensity from 1012 to 1015 W/cm2) and probing the dynamics by measuring changes in reflectivity, in the
visible range, then with attosecond pulse trains in the VUV.
We will have direct access to the physical mechanisms of laser-matter interaction and to the initial stages of electronic relaxation of solids: multiphoton, tunnel or Zener ionization, bandgap modulation, inelastic carrier scattering, impact ionization, the Auger effect, and more.
During the first part of the program (20 months), measurements will be made in the visible and near-IR domains, with the aim of achieving optical cycle resolution.
Project leader: Stéphane Guizard