MaMaSelf (European Master in Materials Science exploiting European Large Scale Facilities)
Crystelec 2025 : Diffraction électronique MET (Lille, 17-21 Novembre 2025)
Magnetic nanomaterial : 7th Italian School on Magnetism (Perugia, 20-24 octobre 2025)
1st National Neutron Scattering School (Oak-Ridge, 6-12 Septembre 2025)
27th Laboratory Course on Neutron Scattering (Jülich et Grenoble, 25 Aout, 5 Septembre 2025)
CHRNS Summer School on Methods and Applications of Neutron Spectroscopy (NIST Gaithersburg, 28 Juillet, 1 Aout 2025)
2025 National X-ray School (NXS) (Argonne, 27 Juillet – 4 aout 2025)
ILL soft matter summer school (Grenoble, 1-3 Juillet 2025)
European School on Magnetism (Liège, 30 Juin, 11 Juillet 2025)
Atelier de cristallographie des protéines (Roscoff, 23-27 Juin 2025)
10th European Crystallography School (ECS10) : From Nano to Macro: Elucidating Structures at Different Length Scales (Ohrid, N. Macedonia, 22-27 Juin 2025)
ChemPhysBio2025 : Imaging Biology – Interdisciplinary Tools and Techniques to Unravel Cellular Dynamics (Université Paris-Saclay, 16-20 Juin 2025)
Neutron Diffraction and Imaging (San Giovanni, 13-21 Juin 2025)
12ème École de Biologie Structurale Intégrative ReNaFoBiS (Oléron, 13-20 Juin 2025)
SAS2025 ANSTO Small Angle Scattering Workshop (Luca Heights, 11-13 Juin 2025)
Quantum Frontiers Summer School 2025 (Cargèse, 10-20 Juin 2025)
Macromolecular Crystallography and CryoEM School (Madrid, 12-16 Mai 2025)
Crystallisation Science & Engineering short course (Leeds, 1-3 Avril 2025)
2025 School on Neutron Diffraction Data Treatment using the FullProf Suite (Grenoble, 31 Mars 4 Avril 2025)
Matrac-1 school : Application of Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Science (Hamburg and Lund, 23-28 March 2025)
HERCULES 2025: Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation for applications in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Hard and Soft Condensed Matter (Grenoble, 9th March – 12th April 2025)
D+ software course and tutorial (Grenoble, 20 février 2025)
Analyse des contraintes résiduelles par diffraction des rayons X (Troyes, 3-7 février 2025)
BioSAXS 10: Getting started in biological small-angle x-ray solution scattering (Virtual, 10-13 Décembre 2024)
MDANSE 2024: calculating the dynamical and vibrational properties of materials (Grenoble, 5-7 novembre 2024)
Cristallographie et Grands Equipement (Soleril Saint-Aubin, 4-8 novembre 2024)
Les Houches : School on Frustrated Quantum Magnets (Les Houches, 29 octobre 8 novembre 2024)
3rd ANSTO – HZB Neutron Training Course (ANSTO Lucas Heights, 27 octobre 4 novembre 2024)
École de réflectivité rayons-X/neutrons (Marcoule, 8-11 octobre 2024)
Utilisation des outils du Bilbao Crystallographic Server : application aux transitions de phase (Oleron, 30 septembre 4 octobre 2024)
CBMS Structural Biology workbench (Brookhave, 23-26 septembre 2024)
EMBO SAXS/SANS practical course (Grenoble, 16-20 septembre 2024)
Machine Learning and Materials Discovery (Orsay, 9-27 septembre 2024)
Nordic/baltic school on neutron scattering (Lund, 7-20 septembre 2024)
18th Oxford School on Neutron Scattering (Oxford, 3-13 septembre 2024)
JCNS 26th Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering (Garching, 2-13 septembre 2024)
Integrated Structural Biology course 2024 (Stockholm, Linkoping, Lund and Gothenburg, 2-13 septembre 2024)
ESS Data management and Software center summer school (Copenhague, 2-6 septembre 2024)
MATRAC 2 : Application of Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science with Special Focus on Fundamental Aspects of Materials (Herrshing-Garching, 1-6 septembre 2024)
ESM 2024 European School on magnetism (York, 27 aout-6 septembre 2024)
14 weeks courses on neutron scattering for soft matterials (on line, organized by NCNR, beginning 28 aout 2024)
ElCryS24 : electron crystallography school (Padoue, 24-26 aout 2024)
30th CHRNS School on Methods and Applications of Small Angle Neutron Scattering and Neutron Reflectivity (NIST Gaithersburg, 22-26 Juillet 2024)
4th European School on Crystal Growth (Jachranka near Warsaw, 21-25 Juillet 2024)
ECS9 European Crystallography School (Nancy, 24-30 Juin 2024)
MolMag2024 : Summer school in molecular magnetism (Fréjus, 24-28 Juin 2024)
Zurich school of crystallography (Zurich, 17-29 Juin 2024)
4th European School on Crystal Growth (Jachranka, 17-20 Juin 2024)
Ecole Étude de la solidification : Théories, outils et applications (Oléron, 16-21 Juin 2024)
Training on Neutron Techniques Summer School: Small angle scattering and reflectivity (San Giovanni in Valle Aurina, 16-21 Juin 2024)
NFFA-Europe Summer School on Data Management and Virtual Access (Heraklion, 12-14 Juin 2024)
Advanced methods in macromolecular crystallization X (Budweiss, 9-15 Juin 2024)
IEEE Magnetics Society Summer School (Taipei, 9-14 Juin 2024)
16th european summer school on scattering methods applied to soft condensed matter (Bombannes, 4-11 Juin 2024)
4th ISIS inelastic neutron data analysis course (ISIS Didcot, 3 7 Juin 2024)
EMBO course on structural characterisation of macromolecular complexes (Grenoble, 1-8 Juin 2024)
Erice crystallography school 2024: Powder diffraction: advancing real materials in the information era. (Erice, 31 Mai 8 Juin 2024)
RéNaFoBIS: 11ème École de Biologie Structurale Intégrative (Oléro, 30 Mai 7 Juin 2024)
Meeticc-topo-24 Ecole Thématique 2024 du GDR Meeticc (Aussois, 26-31 Mai 2024)
WAM 2024 Residual Stress School (Grenoble, 25-26 avril 2024)
HTCC-6 Advanced macromolecular crystallography (Dubrovnik, 7-12 avril 2024)
HERCULES 2024 Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation for applications in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Hard and Soft Condensed Matter (Grenoble, 26 fevrier 28 mars 2024)
Getting the most from your POWGEN data (Oak-Ridge, 15_15 Novembre 2023)
SAXS : Solution scattering from biological macromolecules (online 6-10/11/2023 and Hamburg 27/11 to 1/12/2023)
Atelier pratique d’initiation à la diffraction électronique 3D en sciences des matériaux (Grenoble, 6-7 Novembre 2023)
Atelier pratique d’initiation à la diffraction électronique 3D en sciences des protéines (Motpellier, 6 Novembre 2023)
4th ISSE Training school at J-Parc, Magnet, Low/High Temperature, High Pressure, Soft Matter, and more (Tokai, 22-26 Octobre 2023)
Macromolecular Crystallography (Cold Spring Harbor (NY), 16-31 Octobre 2023)
Ecole thématique InteRNAt sur les petits ARN régulateurs (Sète, 16-20 Octobre 2023)
Diffraction des rayons X et des neutrons sous haute pression : instrumentation et analyses de données (La Rochelle 9-13 Octobre 2023)
ILL Annual School on Neutron Diffraction Data Treatment using the FullProf Suite (Grenoble, 2-6 Octobre 2023)
Ecole thématique CohereX (Cargèse, 1-7 Octobre 2023)
Ariel training school: Nuclear data from research reactor (Budapest, 25-29 Septembre 2023)
Fundamentals of Neutron Spin Echo : Spectroscopy for Biology and Soft Matter Workshop (Gaithersburg, 19-21 Septembre 2023)
Baltic neutron scattering summer school (Lund, 9-22 Septembre 2023)
First European Spallation Source Data Management and Software Centre Summer School (Copenhague, 4-8 Septembre 2023)
25th JCNS Laboratory course neutronn scattering (Jülich and Garching, 4-15 Septembre 2023)
European School on Magnetism (Madrid, 3-15 Septembre 2023)
RAC International Summer School 2023 Cutting-edge Neutron and X-ray Research for a Sustainable Future (Lüneburg, 20-27 aout 2023)
25th National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering (NX School) (Argonne et Oak-Ridge, 6-18 aout 2023)
Croucher Summer Course on Neutron Scattering in Hong Kong (Hong-Kong, 6-11 aout 2023)
18 Intern Summer School on Crystal Growth (Parma, 23-28 juillet 2023)
CHRNS Summer School on Methods and Applications of Neutron Spectroscopy (Gaithersburg, 17-21 juillet 2023)
IEEE Magnetics Society Summer School (Bari, 16-21 juillet 2023)
The Cambridge Structural Database is more than a database ! (Rennes, 5 Juillet 2023)
13th workshop on Combined Analysis Using X-ray Scattering (Caen, 3-7 Juillet 2023)
Ecole résidentielle Interdisciplinaire en Nanosciences et Nanotechnologies (Saint-Jacut-de-la-Mer, 2-7 Juillet 2023)
Le vide et les températures extrêmes (Sète, 19-27 Juin 2023)
Modifications Post-traductionnelles chez les bactéries (Toulouse, 19-22 Juin 2023)
8th European Crystallography School (Berlin, 18-24 Juin 2023)
Training on neutron techniques summer school : Inelastic neutron scattering (San Giovanni in Valle Aurina, 17-24 Juin 2023)
Ultrafast X-ray Summer School (Hambourg, 12-16 Juin 2023)
Mathematical Crystallograpgy (Nancy, 12-16 Juin 2023)
Résolution et affinement de structures cristallines : méthodes avancées (Gréoux les Bains, 5-9 Juin 2023)
ReNaFoBiS : 10ème École de Biologie Structurale Intégrative (Oléron, 1-9 Juin 2023)
HighNESS school on thermal scattering libraries (Lund, 22-26 Mai 2023)
ISBC 2023 : International Doctoral School on Biological Crystallization (Grenade, 21-26 Mai 2023)
CBMS workbenches on Solution Scattering (SAXS/WAXS) and Macromolecular Crystallography (MX) (On line, 15-18 Mai 2023)
Central European Training School on Neutron Techniques (Budapest, 23-28 avril 2023)
HTCC 5: Avancées expérimentales en cristallographie des macromolécules (Dubrovnik, 16-21 avril 2023)
Overview and training on the Cambridge Structural Database (Paris, 28 mars 2023)
Ecole des accélérateurs 2023 (Fréjus, 19-24 mars 2023)
MATRAC 1 ‘Application of Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Science (Hamburg and Lund, 12-17 mars 2023)
Hercules (Grenoble, 17 février 31 mars 2023)
Annual School on Neutron Diffraction Data Treatment using the FullProf Suite (Grenoble, 30 janvier 3 février 2023)
6th Neutron and Muon School (Tokai, Ibaraki, 12-16 Décembre 2022)
Ecole thématique IN2P3 : Du détecteur à la mesure – 2022 (Fréjus, 21-25 novembre 2022)
ANSTO Powder diffraction workshop 2022 (Lucas Heights, 3-5 Novembre 2022)
CHRNS School on Methods and Applications of Small Angle Neutron Scattering and Neutron Reflectivity (NIST Gaithersburg, 17-21 octobre 2022)
Diffraction électronique pour la cristallographie structurale (Aussois, 17-21 octobre 2022)
CGE-2022 Cristallographie et Grands Equipements (Soleil, Saint-Aubin, 17-21 octobre 2022)
ANSTO – HZB Neutron School 2022 (Sydney, 9-14 octobre 2022)
Autumn school on Correlated Electrons : Dynamical Mean-Field theory of correlated electrons (Jülich, 4-7 octobre 2022)
XFEL for condensed matter, dense plasma physics and extreme conditions (Aussois, 3-7 octobre 2022)
Magnetic Structure Determination from Neutron Diffraction Data (MagStr) (Oak-Ridge, 3-7 octobre 2022)
CBMS Structural Biology Workbenches (On line, 27-29 septembre 2022)
Summer School on Superconducting Electronics (Crete, 25-30 septembre 2022)
PaNOSC summer school: Material Science at European Large-Scale Infrastructures using Open and FAIR Data(Szeged, 12-16 septembre 2022)
European School on Magnetism (ESM) (Sarrebrück, 11-23 septembre 2022)
24th JCNS Laboratory Course – Neutron Scattering 2022 (Jülich and Garching, 5-16 septembre 2022)
17th Oxford School on Neutron Scattering (Oxford, 5-15 septembre 2022)
SUCCESS-2022 third Summer School on Ultraviolet and X-ray Spectroscopies of Correlated-Electron Systems (Les Houches, 29 aout 9 septembre 2022)
3rd Northern Lights on Food Masterclass (Lund, 29 aout 2 septembre 2022)
ECSS-2022 Electron Crystallography school (Caen, 29 aout 1 septembre 2022)
Robert F. Stewart School on electron density and related properties (Nancy, 20-22 aout 2022)
PSI-Summer camp 2022 Coherence and Entanglement in Quantum Systems (Zuoz 8-12 aout 2022)
NIST Polarized Neutron School (Gaithersburg, 24-25 Juillet 2022)
ESCG3-ECCG7 European Conference on Crystal Growth and School(Paris, 20-27 Juillet 2022)
International school of soft matter (Cargèse, 11-22 Juillet 2022)
National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering (NX School) (Argonne et Oak-Ridge, 10-22 Juillet 2022)
Analyse Structurale par Diffraction des Rayons X sur Monocristal et Applications (Pont à Mousson, 3-7 Juillet 2022)
Combined Analysis in XRD by using MAUD software (Caen, 4-8 Juillet 2022)
15th European Summer School on Scattering Methods Applied to Soft Condensed Matter (Bombannes, 20-28 Juin 2022)
EMBO SAXS/SANS practical course theoretical and practical aspects of SAXS/SANS on biomacromolecular solutions (Grenoble, 20-24 Juin 2022)
The Zürich school of crystallography (Zürich, 19-30 Juin 2022)
SAXS-2022 Ecole thématique de diffusion des rayons X et des neutrons aux petits angles (Marcoule, 15-17 Juin 2022)
Exosup-2022 School of exotic superconductivity (Cargèse, 13-25 Juin 2022)
STNT-2022 Training on Neutron Techniques Summer School : Diffraction and Structural Imaging (San Giovanni in Valle Aurina, 12-18 Juin 2022)
Disorder in complex systems (Saclay, 6-17 Juin 2022)
Crystallography under extreme conditions : the future is bright and very compressed (Erice, 3-11 Juin 2022)
Diffuse scattering: The crystallography of dynamics, defects and disorder (Erice, 3-11 Juin 2022)
SASBDB: database of small-angle scattering data and models for biology and soft matter (online school, 12-13 May 2022)
FEBS 2022 Probing Biomolecules with Electrons, Photons, Neutrons and Magnetic Spins (Spetses, 9-15 May 2022)
DES 2022 Ecole thématique sur les solvants eutectiques profonds (Roskoff, 21-25 mars 2022)
HERCULES 2022 Neutron & Synchrotron Radiation Science (Grenoble, 28 fevrier 1 avril 2022)
27th CHRNS School on Methods and Applications of Neutron Spectroscopy (Online organized by NIST, 28-30 Janvier, 2-11 fevrier 2022)
ISIS SANS training course (Online, 1-10 fevrier 2022)
Introductory workshop to X-ray scattering (Online, 29 novembre 2 décembre 2021)
ISIS Reflectivity Training Course (Online, organized by ISIS, 16-25 novembre 2021)
Representational Analysis and Magnetic Structure School (Online, organized by Univ. of Maryland, 8-12 novembre 2021)
Caractérisation des protéines par cristallographie (Lyon, 3-5 novembre 2021)
Fundamentals of Neutron Spin Echo (NSE) Spectroscopy for Biology and Soft Matter (Nist, 27-29 octobre 2021)
BioMolecular Solution Scattering (SAXS/WAXS) and Macromolecular Crystallography (MX) workbenches(Visio organized by BNL 11-13 octobre 2021)
CETS : Central European Training School on neutron techniques (Visio and Budapest, 4-8 octobre and 25-28 octobre 2021)
Réflectivité des rayons X et des neutrons (Marcoule, 5-8 octobre 2021)
EMA European School on Magnetism (Cluj-Napoca, Roumanie, 6-17 Septembre 2021)
Neutron scattering for soft matter materials on line (first lecture on 1 Septembre 2021)
EXAFS Workshop (Prague, 14 aout 2021)
GISAS Workshop (Prague, 14 aout 2021)
IUCR Computing school (Nove Hrady, Czech Republic, 9-14 aout 2021)
SAXS/SANS & BioSAXS/BioSANS school (Kutna Hora, Czech Republic, 11-13 aout 2021)
Oak-Ridge and Argonne 23rd National School on Neutron and X-Ray Scattering (On-line, 12-30 Juillet 2021)
École Résidentielle Interdisciplinaire en Nanosciences et Nanotechnologies (Erquy, 4-19 Juillet 2021)
6th European Crystallographic School (Budapest, 4-10 Juillet 2021)
Ecole Interdisciplinaire en Nanosciences et Nanotechnologies (Erquy, 4-9 Juillet 2021)
Excitations Data Analysis Workshop 2021 (On-line organised by ISIS, 28 Juin 9 Juillet 2021)
ORNL Online Course on Neutron Scattering Applications in Structural Biology (21-30 Juin 2021)
Ecole RéNaFoBIS, formation théorique et appliquée aux différentes approches utilisées en biologie structurale (Oléron, 18-25 Juin 2021)
15th Bombannes Summer School Scattering Methods Applied to Soft Condensed Matter (Bombannes, 15-23 Juin 2021)
CCP4/APS School in Macromolecular Crystallography: From data collection to structure refinement and beyond (On-line, organized by the APS Chicago, 14-25 Juin 2021)
Ultrafast X-ray Summer School 2021 (On-line, organized by the Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL) and the Stanford PULSE Institute at SLAC, 14-18 Juin 2021)
The Zürich school of crystallography (Zürich, 6-17 Juin 2021)
51st IFF Spring School 2021: Quantum Technology (Jülich, 1-12 mars 2021)
Hercules 2021 European course for young researchers using Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation (Grenoble, 22 février 26 mars 2021)
LENS Machine Learning School (On-line, organized by ISIS, 15-19 février 2021)
CHRNS Summer School on Methods and Applications of Small Angle Neutron Scattering and Neutron Reflectivity (Virtual school, 3, 12, 17 and 19 february 2021)
International school of crystallography (Erice, 31 Mai 9 Juin 2020)
First Virtual Neutron Scattering School from Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (On line, 30 novembre 4 décembre 2020)
De la Physique au détecteur (Fréjus, 29 novembre 4 décembre 2020)
Czech-Bavarian mini-school for large scale facilities and open data (On-line, 18-20 octobre 2020)
Cristallographie et Grands Equipements (Saint Aubin, 12-16 octobre 2020)
7me École de Biologie Structurale Intégrative (Oléron, 9-16 octobre 2020)
European school on magnetism (Sarrebruck, 28 Septembre, 9 octobre 2020)
JCNS 24th Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering (Jülich and Garching, 31 aout 11 septembre 2020)
SUCCESS-2020 Summer School on Ultraviolet and X-ray Spectroscopies of Correlated Electron Systems (Les Houches, 31 aout 11 septembre 2020)
Polarized neutron school (Gaithersburg NIST, 25-27 Juillet 2020)
NDRA 2020 (Cancelled) 4th Summer School on Neutron Detectors and Related Applications (Trento, 22-25 Juin 2020)
15th Bombannes Summer School (postponed to June 2021) Scattering Methods Applied to Soft Condensed Matter (Bombannes, 16-24 Juin 2020)
22nd National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering (transformed in virtual school) (Argonne, 13-27 Juin 2020)
7me École de Biologie Structurale Intégrative (Postponed) (Oléron, 12-19 Juin 2020)
ORNL Online Course on Neutron Scattering Applications in Structural Biology (Oak-Ridge, 1-5 Juin 2020)
Fabrication additive des alliages métalliques (Autrans, 25-29 Mai 2020)
Hispanos Hands-On school on the production, detection and the use of neutron beams (Seville, 25-29 Mai 2020)
51st IFF Spring School Quantum technology (Jülich, 23 mars, 3 avril 2020; postponed in 2021)
Better with Scattering: SAXS/WAXS Workshop for Nano Materials (Berlin, 17-19 mars 2020)
Atelier de biocristallographie (Synchrotron Soleil, 16-30 mars 2020)
SWEDNESS/LINXS Doctoral-level course on neutron imaging (Lund, 23-26 mars 2020)
Hercules 2020 (Grenoble, 3 mars, 3 avril 2020)
Italian school on magnetism (Rome, 3-7 Février 2020)
XXIV International School of Pure and Applied Biophysics Applications of X-Rays and Neutron Scattering in Biology (Venise, 27-31 janvier 2020)
How to assess the structure of glasses ? (Grenoble, 18-22 Novembre 2019)
Diffraction sous conditions extrêmes ou atypiques (Nancy, 18-19 Novembre 2019)
BioCAT’s Everything BioSAXS (APS Argonne, 5-7 Novembre 2019)
EMBO Practical Course: Practical Integrative Structural Biology (Hambourg, 3-9 Novembre 2019)
3rd International Training School on Sample Environment at Scattering Facilities (Berlin, 28 Oct. 1 Nov. 2019)
Neutron Diffraction Data Treatment using the FullProf Suite (Grenoble, 21-26 Octobre 2019)
Total Scattering Analysis (Oak-Ridge, 21-24 Octobre 2019)
Magnetic Structure Determination from Neutron Diffraction Data (Oak-Ridge, 21-23 Octobre 2019)
EMBO course: Structural and biophysical methods for biological macromolecules in solution (Santiago, 14-20 Octobre 2019)
Diffraction des rayons X appliquéeà la cristallogenèse (Grenoble, 30 Septembre 3 octobre 2019)
EMBO Practical Course: Small angle neutron and X-ray scattering from biomacromolecules in solution (Grenoble, 23-27 Septembre 2019)
Cristaux biologiques pour les études structurales par les techniques de diffraction avancées (Grenoble, 23-25 Septembre 2019)
3rd Nordic-Baltic School in neutron scattering (Tartu, 9-20 Septembre 2019)
4th International School on Aperiodic Crystal (Portbail, 8-14 Septembre 2019)
16th Oxford School on Neutron Scattering (Oxford, 2-13 Septembre 2019)
2019 European School on Magnetism: Experimental techniques (Brno, 2-13 Septembre 2019)
23rd JCNS Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering (Jülich and Garching, 2-13 Septembre 2019)
SISN school : Neutrons and Muons for Magnetism (Ispra, 2-6 Septembre 2019)
CIFiesta Crystallographic Information Fiesta (Naples, 29 aout 3 septembre 2019)
CHRNS Summer School on Methods and Applications of Neutron Spectroscopy (Gaithersburg, NIST, 22-26 juillet 2019)
Neutrons for membrane biophysics (Garching, 15-19 juillet 2019)
Analyse Structurale par Diffraction des Rayons X sur Monocristal et Applications (Pont-à-Mousson, 8-12 juillet 2019)
Atelier sur les macles (Paris, 24-26 juin 2019)
ANSTO-HZB neutron school (Lucas Heights, 23-28 juin 2019)
FEBS 2019 Practical Course: Biomolecules in Action II (Hambourg, 23-28 Juin 2019)
6me École de Biologie Structurale Intégrative (Oleron, 21-28 juin 2019)
Science and instrumentation for Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Sources (Bilbao, 17-19 juin 2019)
2019 National School on Neutron & X-ray Scattering (Oak-Ridge and Argonne, 16-29 juin 2019)
Atelier de cristallographie (Roscoff, 10-15 juin 2019)
Summer School on Mathematical Crystallography (Nancy, 3-7 juin 2019)
Course on magnetic crystallography and course on cryo 3D electron microscopy (Erice, 31 mai – 9 juin 2019)
CRIStallogenèse de MATériaux INorganiques (Lyon, 21-23 mai 2019)
French-Swedish school on X-rays and Neutrons techniques for the study of functional materials for energy (Lund, 13-17 Mai 2019)
13th Central European Training School on neutron techniques (Budapest, 5-10 Mai 2019)
Tutorial on modern modeling methods in neutron spectroscopy (Oak-Ridge, 15-17 avril 2019)
Matrac-2 Neutrons and Synchrotrons in Materials Science (Herrsching, 31 mars – 5 avril 2019)
50th IFF Spring School 2019; Scattering Soft, Functional and Quantum Materials (Jülich, 11-22 mars 2019)
2nd BornAgain School and User Meeting (reflectivity software) (Garching, 19-21 décembre 2018)
EMBO practical course Solution scattering from biological macromolecules (Hambourg, 19-26 novembre 2018)
10th AONSA neutron school (ANSTO Lucas Heights, 11-16 novembre 2018)
Fourth intensive HOW-TO course in BioSAXS (APS Argonne, 5-7 novembre 2018)
Cristallographie et Grands Equipements 2018(Soleil, Saint Aubin, 15-19 octobre 2018)
Ecole thématique CNRS sur la réflectivité des rayons-X et des neutrons(Marcoule, 10-12 octobre 2018)
Diffraction on Energy Materials (Grenoble, 8-9 Octobre 2018)
International School on Neutron Spin-Echo Spectroscopy (Grenoble, 8 Octobre 2018)
MDANSE 2018 Molecular Dynamics and Lattice Dynamics to Analyse Neutron Scattering Experiments (Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 24-28 septembre 2018)
ESM European school on magnetism (Krakow, 17-28 septembre 2018)
Texture school (Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 17-20 septembre 2018)
Neutrons and Biology(Carqueiranne, 16-19 septembre 2018)
Second European School on Crystal Growth (ESCG2) (Varna, 13-16 septembre 2018)
2nd Nordic/Baltic Summer School in Neutron Scattering (Tartu, 10-21 septembre 2018)
22nd Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering (Jülich, Garching 3-14 septembre 2018)
Matrac1: Application of Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Science (Lauenburg, 2-7 septembre 2018)
Physical approaches to understanding microbial life (Gif-sur-Yvette 28 aout 6 septembre 2018)
Thermodynamics and Energetics in Soft Matter Systems (Grenoble, 24-26 juillet 2018)
Croucher Summer Course on Neutron Scattering (Hong-Kong, 8-14 juillet 2018)
Neutron for chemistry and materials science applications (Erice 4-13 juillet 2018)
NBIA7 : Deciphering the hidden dynamics of Soft Matter (Copenhague, 25-29 Juin 2018)
RAMS 2018: 7th School on Representational Analysis and Magnetic Structures (Univ. of Maryland College Park, 20-23 Juin 2018)
Scattering Methods Applied to Soft Condensed Matter (Bombannes, 19-26 Juin 2018)
Summer School on Methods and Applications of Small Angle Neutron Scattering and Reflectometry (NIST Gaithersburg, 19-23 Juin 2018)
Modern Methods in Rietveld Refinement for Structural Analysis (Argonne National Lab., 17-22 Juin 2018)
ReNaFoBiS 5ème École de Biologie Structurale Intégrative (Oléron, 1-8 Juin 2018)
DynaMoPPI Dynamique et Modulation des Interactions Protéine-Protéine (Nantes, 28 Mai 1 Juin 2018)
CETS 2018 12th Central European Training School on neutron techniques (Budapest, 6-11 Mai 2018)
Corrélation entre la texture cristalline et la microstructure des matériaux – EBSD et diffraction des rayons X (Orsay, 27-30 Mars 2018)
38th Berlin School on Neutron Scattering (Berlin, 1-9 Mars 2018)
49th IFF Spring School 2018 Physics of life (Jülich, 26 Février, 9 Mars 2018)
Hercules 2018 Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation Science (Grenoble, 25 Février, 30 Mars 2018)
CrystElec 2018 diffrection electronique (Caen, 5-9 Février 2018)
Meeticc2018 : Ecole du GDR Matériaux, Etats ElecTroniques, Interactions et Couplages non-Conventionnels (Banyuls, 4-10 Février 2018)
Structural and biophysical methods for biological macromolecules in solution (Singapoure 6-14 Décembre 2017)
9th AONSA – The 2nd Neutron and Muon School (J-Parc, Tokai 16-20 Novembre 2017)
ISSE training school on sample environments (NIST, 13-17 Novembre 2017)
FPS School 2017 Neutron Diffraction Data Treatment using the FullProf Suite (Grenoble 16-20 octobre 2017)
European school on Magnetism (Cargèse, 9-21 octobre 2017)
EMBO practical courses Small angle neutron and X-ray scattering from proteins in solution(Grenoble, 11-15 septembre 2017)
21st JCNS Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering (Garching, 4-15 septembre 2017)
PSI Master School 2017 – Introducing photons, neutrons and muons for materials characterization (Villingen, 4-15 septembre 2017)
15th Oxford School on Neutron Scattering (Oxford, 3-15 septembre 2017)
Small Angle neutron and X-Ray scattering from proteins in solution (Grenoble, 1-15 septembre 2017)
Neutron Scattering Applications to Hydrogen Storage Materials (Berlin, 7-17 Aout 2017)
19th National School on Neutron and X-Ray Scattering (Oak-Ridge, Argonne, 5-19 Aout 2017)
Exact methods in low dimensional physics (Cargese, 25 Juillet 4 Aout 2017)
São Paulo School on Scattering: Diffraction and Imaging using Light, Neutrons and X-rays (Sao-Paulo 17-21 Juillet 2017)
Master Class on “Neutron Precession Techniques” (Erice, 1-8 Juillet 2017)
Summer School on Methods and Applications of Neutron Spectroscopy (NIST, Gaithersburg, 19-23 Juin 2017)
Modern Methods in Rietveld Refinement for Structural Analysis (Oak-Ridge, 18-23 Juin 2017)
13th Canadian Neutron Scattering Summer School (Chalk-River 15-19 mai 2017)
19th HERCULES Specialized Course: Quantitative Imaging with X-rays and Neutrons (Grenoble 15-19 mai 2017)
US School on Total Scattering Analysis (Oak-Ridge 8-12 mai 2017)
11th Central European Training School on neutron techniques (Budapest 8-12 mai 2017)
37th Berlin School on Neutron Scattering (Berlin, 2-10 mars 2017)
European School on Interfacial Engineering – Fundamentals, Applications, and Analytical Methods (Cracovie, 3-6 avril 2017)
48th IFF Spring School 2017 Topological Matter – Topological Insulators, Skyrmions and Majoranas (Juelich, 27 mars, 7 avril 2017)
Matrac 2 Application of Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science with special focus on Fundamental Aspects of Materials (Grenoble, 27 février 30 mars 2017)
Hercules Large scale infrastructures training (Utting/Ammersee near Munich, 27 février 3 mars 2017)
Horace & SpinW Workshop data treatment and visualization (ISIS Didcot, 30 Janvier – 3 Février 2017)
Neutron and Muon School (JPARC, 22-26 Novembre 2016)
BornAgain School and User Meeting (Garching, 21-22 Novembre 2016)
McStas School (Copenhague, 20-21 Octobre 2016)
Solution Scattering from Biological Macromolecules (Hambourg, 17-24 Octobre 2016)
Mantid training (Isis uk, 14-16 Septembre 2016)
School on Lattice and Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Materials (Perpignan, 12-23 septembre 2016)
20th Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering (Jülich and Garching 5-16 septembre 2016)
Modern Methods in Rietveld Refinement for Structural Analysis (Stony Brooks Univ., 8-11 aout 2016)
2nd Croucher Summer Course on Neutron Scattering (Hong-Kong, 7-13 aout 2016)
18th National school on Neutron and X-ray scattering (Argonne et Oak Ridge, 30 Juillet 12 aout 2016)
GISAS Summer School: experiments and data analysis (Garching, 17-22 Juillet 2016)
Summer School on Methods and Applications of Small Angle Neutron Scattering and Neutron Reflectometry (Nist, Gaithersburg 27 June 1 July 2016)
13th European Summer School on Scattering Methods Applied to Soft Condensed Matter(Bombannes, 20-27 Juin 2016)
EMBO course on Methods for Biological Macromolecules in Solution (Suwon, South Korea, 19-26 June 2016)
Neutron Diffraction Data Treatment using the FullProf Suite (Grenoble, 9-14 Mai 2016)
10th Central European Training School on Neutron Techniques (Budapest, 2-6 Mai 2016)
Integrating X-ray crystallography and scattering together with Electron Microscopy (Oeiras , Portugal, 2-5 Mai 2016)
Mantid training courses (ISIS, 6-8 April 2016)
COST School on Surface Analytical Techniques (Regensburg, 4-7 avril 2016)
International School of Neutron Science and Instrumentation(Erice, 1-9 avril 2016)
Hercules (Grenoble, 29 mars, 26 avril 2016)
Brittany Synchrotron Radiation and Resonance School (Rennes, 14-18 mars 2016)
ADD2016 Analysis of Diffraction Data in real-space (Grenoble, 7-11 mars 2016)
Berlin School on Neutron Scattering (Berlin, 25 fev. 4 Mars 2016)
47th IFF Spring School 2016 (Jülich, 22 fev. 4 Mars 2016)
RMCProfile Workshop at the SNS (Oak-Ridge, 10-12 fev. 2016)
8th ILL Annual School on Neutron Diffraction Data Treatment using the FULLPROF suite (Grenoble, 14-18 Décembre 2015)
Les Fan du LLB (Saclay, 7-10 Décembre 2015)
Inelastic neutron scattering school (Lucas Heights, 22-27 Novembre 2015)
Physical and chemical characterization of surfaces at different scales (Saclay, 16-20 Novembre 2015)
Niels Bohr International Academy Workshop on ESS Science: Condensed Matter Theory and Advanced Software (Copenhague, 9-13 Novembre 2015)
BioCAT Advanced SAXS Training Course (Argonne, 2-5 Novembre 2015)
Atelier Imagerie des JDN23 (Evian, 5-6 octobre 2015)
AUNIRA, Advanced use of Neutrons for Research and Applications (PSI, 28 Sept. 2 Oct. 2015)
MATRAC, Application of Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Science (Hambourg, 21-25 Septembre 2015)
Mantid training courses (Isis, Abingdon, 21-23 Sept. 2015)
HSC18 Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation for Magnetism (Grenoble, 14-18 Septembre 2015)
19th Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering (Jülich, Garching, 7-18 Septembre 2015)
14th Oxford school on neutron scattering(Oxford, 6-18 septembre 2015)
X-Rays and neutron science(Grenoble, 6 sept. – 3 oct. 2015)
European School on Magnetism From basic magnetic concepts to spin currents(Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 24 aout 4 septembre 2015)
2015 PSI Summer School on Condensed Matter Research(Zuoz, 15-21 Aout 2015)
Representational Analysis and Magnetic Structures(University of Maryland, 3-6 Aout 2015)
International School of Neutron Science and Instrumentation(Erice, 28 Juillet 4 Aout 2015)
ISIS Neutron training course(Abingdon, 16-25 juin 2015)
The Annual National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering(Argonne, Oak-Ridge, 13-27 juin 2015)
Le Giornate Didattiche, neutron scattering school organized by Societa Italiana di Spettroscopia Neutronica (Valle Aurina, Grenoble, 13-22 juin 2015)
Summer School on Methods and Applications of Neutron Spectroscopy (NIST, Gaithersburg, 8-12 juin 2015)
9th Central European Training School on Neutron Techniques,(Budapest, 4-8 Mai 2015)
COST2015 School, Colloid and Interface Science(Londres, 13-16 avril 2015)
Modern Methods in Rietveld Refinement for Structural Analysis(Tahhahassee mars 2015)
7th ILL Annual FullProf School(Grenoble, 2-6 mars 2015)
Hercules(Grenoble, 1 mars 1 avril 2015)
35th Berlin School on Neutron Scattering (Berlin, 26 Fev. 6 Mars 2015)
The IFF Spring School 2015 (Jülich, 23 Fev. 6 Mars 2015)
11th LANSCE School on Neutron Scattering Materials at the Mesoscale (Los Alamos, 18-27 Fev. 2015)
Mantid training courses (Isis, Abingdon, 16-18 février 2015)
Horace software workshop (Oak Ridge, 16-16 Janv. 2015)
MLF School, Introduction to neutron scattering and use of muons beams(Tokai, 16-19 Déc. 2014)
Fan du LLB 2014, (Saclay, 8-11 Déc. 2014)
Physical and Chemical Characterization of Surfaces at Different Scales, (Saclay, 17-21 Nov. 2014)
Niels Bohr International Academy Workshop on ESS, (Copenhague, 10-14 Nov. 2014)
Cristallographie et Grands Equipements, (Saint Aubin, 13-17 Oct. 2014)
Réflectivité des rayons X et des neutrons, (Marcoule, 1-3 Oct. 2014)
Cristallographie et Neutrons, (Ile d’Oléron, 21-24 Sept. 2014)
Hercules : Non-atomic resolution scattering in biology and soft matter, (Grenoble, 14-19 Sept. 2014)
SISN Learning days (Giornate didattiche) 2014, (Valle Aurina et Grenoble, 13-22 Sept. 2014)
Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering, (Jülich/Garching, 1-12 Sept. 2014)
Frontiers in Condensed Matter, (San Sebastian-Donostia, 25 Aout 5 septembre 2014)
Neutron Scattering Applications to Hydrogen Storage Materials, (Berlin, 20-29 Aout 2014)
Croucher Summer Course on Neutron Scattering (Hong-Kong, 11-15 Aout 2014)
Soft-FIRE-2014, School on Soft Condensed Matter (Cargèse, 29 Juillet – 8 Aout 2014)
Methods and Applications of Small Angle Neutron Scattering and Neutron Reflectometry (NIST Gaithersburg, 14-18 Juillet 2014)
X-Ray and Neutron Science (Grenoble, 6 Juillet-2 Aout 2014)
School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering (Argonne et Oak-Ridge, 14-28 Juin 2014)
SISN summer school Small Angle Neutron Scattering e Neutron Imaging (Valle Aurina, 8-13 Juin 2014)
8th Central European Neutron School on Neutron Scattering (Budapest, 19-23 May 2014)
GDR Mico (Grenoble, 25-31 Mai 2014)
Scattering Methods Applied to Soft Condensed Matter (Bombannes, 16-23 May 2014)
MDANSE-2014 Molecular Dynamics (and Lattice Dynamics) to Analyse Neutron Scattering Experiments (Grenoble, 9-10 May 2014)
Second Baltic Neutron School (Tartu, Estonie, 4-8 May 2014)
XII School of Neutron Scattering (SoNS) « Francesco Paolo Ricci »: theory and techniques of neutron scattering and applications to Cultural Heritage (Erice, 30 Avril 9 May 2014)
ISIS Practical Neutron Training Course (Oxford, 25 février 6 Mars 2014)
HERCULES 2014 (Grenoble, 23 février 26 Mars 2014)
Berlin School on Neutron Scattering (Berlin, 13-21 Mars 2014)
Advanced Neutron Diffraction Data Treatment using the FULLPROF suite (Grenoble, 18-22 Nov. 2013)
LANSCE School on Neutron Scattering Geosciences and Materials in Extreme Environments (Los Alamos 16-25 oct. 2013)
Application of Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Science (Hambourg, 7-13 oct. 2013)
Joint Vitess and McStas School and Workshop (Berlin 18-20 sept. 2013)
Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering (Jülich/Garching, 2-13 sept. 2013)
Oxford School of Neutron Scattering (Oxford, 2-13 sept. 2013)
HZB Summer School on Imaging Methods for Industrial Applications (Berlin, 26-30 aout 2013)
PSI Summer School on Condensed Matter Research (Zuoz, 17-23 aout 2013)
National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering (Oak-Ridge 10-24 aout 2013)
School on McPhase (Berlin, 6-9 aout 2013)
Neutron Scattering Applications in Structural Biology (Oak-Ridge , 24-28 Juin 2013)
Niels Bohr International Academy: Crossing space and time domains with SAS and QENS (Copenhague , 24-28 Juin 2013)
Summer School on Methods and Applications of Neutron Spectroscopy and Small Angle Neutron Scattering (NIST Gaithersburg 17-21 Juin 2013)
Canadian Neutron Scattering Summer School (Chalk-River , 2-7 Juin 2013)
School of Crystallography (Erice, 30 Mai – 8 Juin 2013)
Central European Training School on Neutron Scattering (Budapest, 27-31 Mai 2013)
EMBO Practical Course on Biological Small Angle Scattering (Grenoble, 6-10 Mai 2013)
WATSURF-2013, Eau aux interfaces (Les Houches, 15-26 avril 2013)
ADD-2013 Analysis of Diffraction Data in real-space (Grenoble, 18-23 Mars 2013)
ISIS Neutron Training Course (Abingdon, 5-14 Mars 2013)
Berlin school on neutron scattering (Berlin, 28 Février – 8 Mars 2013)
Cristallographie et Grands Equipements (Saint Aubin, 22-26 Octobre 2012)
Surface et nucléaire (Mejannes-le-clap,16-18 Octobre 2012)
School on Synchrotron Radiation and Magnetism (Mittelwihr,14-19 Octobre 2012)
School on Radiography Techniques and Analysis (Copenhague,24-28 Septembre 2012)
SISN summer school : Neutron diffraction and reflectometry (S.Giovanni, Italie,23-29 Septembre 2012)
HSC14: Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Materials for Energy (Grenoble, 17-21 Septembre 2012)
LANSCE Neutron Scattering School on Soft Matter (Los Alamos, 12-21 Septembre 2012)
Mc Phase 2012 magnetic/orbital phase diagrams and excitations (Grenoble, 11-14 Septembre 2012)
Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering (Jülich et Münich, 3-14 Septembre 2012)
School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering (Los Alamos, Oak-Ridge 12-25 Aout 2012)
PSI Summer School on Condensed Matter Research (Zug, 11-20 aout 2012)
International Neutron Scattering Instrumentation School (Frascati, 15-27 juillet 2012)
Methods and Applications of Small Angle Neutron Scattering, Reflectometry and Spin Echo (NIST, 16-23 juin 2012)
Bachelor summer program (Grenoble, 4 juin, 13 Juillet 2012)
Neutron Scattering Applications in Structural Biology (Oak-Ridge, 4-8 juin 2012)
ISIS practical neutron training course (Abingdon, 22-31 Mai 2012)
Functional properties at the atomic scale (Vaalbeek, 21-25 Mai 2012)
SONS neutron School 2012 Neutrons and biosystems (Taormine, 22-29 Mai 2012)
6th Central European Training School on Neutron Scattering (Budapest, 14-19 Mai 2012)
MDANSE 2012 Molecular Dynamics to Analyse Neutron Scattering Experiments (Grenoble, 27-30 Mars 2012)
School on Neutron Scattering (Berlin, 8-16 Mars 2012)
Scattering Methods for Condensed Matter Research: Towards Novel Applications at Future Sources (Jülich, 5-16 Mars 2012)
FPS-2012 Neutron Diffraction Data Treatment with Fullprof (Grenoble, 23-27 Janvier 2012)
Application of Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Science (Lauenburg, 12-16 Sept. 2011)
Oxford School on Neutron Scattering (Oxford, 5-16 Sept. 2011)
15th JCNS Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering (Jülich, 5-16 Sept. 2011)
- Neutron scattering workshops for new users : SANS, disordered materials, Single crystals (Oak-Ridge, 31 aout – 1 oct. 2011)
10th PSI Summer School Probing Phase Transitions using Photons, Muons and Neutrons (Zug, 13-19 aout 2011)
2nd NIST School on Representational Analysis and Magnetic Structures (Washington DC, 31 Juillet 5 Aout 2011)
Los Alamos neutron school (Los Alamos, 12-22 Juillet 2011)
Modeling Neutron Data of Biological Systems (NIST, Gaithersburg, 11-15 Juillet 2011)
Crystallography Beyond Diffraction; the role of spectroscopies and theoretical calculations in revealing structural information (Camerino, 4-8 juillet 2011)
Combined Analysis Using X-ray and Neutron Scattering (Caen, 4-8 juillet 2011)
Niels Bohr International Academy Meeting on ESS Science (Copenhague, 27 juin 1 juillet 2011)
Cold and Thermal Neutron Spectroscopy (NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, 19-24 Juin 2011)
Resonant Elastic X-Ray Scattering in Condensed Matter (Aussois, 13-17 juin 2011)
High Resolution Neutron Spectroscopy and Small Angle Neutron Scattering (NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, 12-16 Juin 2011)
13th National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering (Oak-Ridge, 11-25 Juin 2011)
Neutrons in Biology (Oak-Ridge, 23-27 mai 2011)
EIRO forum school on instrumentation (Grenoble, 15-22 mai 2011)
Canadian Neutron Scattering Summer School (Chalk-River 8-13 mai 2011)
Synchrotron School on X-ray Microscopy (Soleil, Saint Aubin, 2-6 mai 2011)
Advanced Neutron Diffraction Data Treatment using the FullProf Suite (Grenoble, Allevard, 24 janvier – 3 février 2011)
Cristallographie et Grands Équipements (St. Aubin, 25-29 oct. 2010)
Les Grands Champs de Recherche Ouverts par les Lasers à Électrons Libres XUV/X (Gien, 18-21 oct. 2010)
Synchrotron Radiation and Neutrons for Extreme Condition Studies (Grenoble, 27 sept.- 2 oct. 2010)
X international school of neutron scattering FRANCESCO PAOLO RICCI (Rome, 25 sept.- 2 oct. 2010)
14th Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering (Jülich, Garching, 6-17 sept. 2010)
Biosensing with Channels (Ile de Berder, Morbihan, 21-27 aout 2010)
PSI Summer School on Condensed Matter Magnetic Phenomena (Zuoz, 7-13 aout 2010)
LANSCE Neutron School on the Analysis of Structural Materials (Los Alamos, 5-13 aout 2010)
The Power of Neutron Techniques in Nano and Biosciences (Jaca, Spain, 12-16 juillet 2010)
Biologie pour physiciens (Porquerolles, 28 juin – 2 juillet 2010)
PNCMI school Polarized neutrons (Delft, 28 juin – 2 juillet 2010)
American Conference on Neutron Scattering 2010 (Ottawa, 26-30 juin 2010)
Summer School « Nanosciences Ile-de-France 2010 (Rambouillet, 20-25 juin 2010)
12th National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering (Argonne, Oak-Ridge, 12-26 juin 2010)
Neutron Scattering techniques in Structural Biology (Oak Ridge, 7-11 juin 2010)
JDN18 : neutrons et simulations (Remuzat, 4-8 juin 2010)
Ecole Marocaine : Analyse de données de diffraction par les poudres à l’aide de la Suite FullProf. (Casablanca, 1-4 juin 2010)
Central European Training School on Neutron Scattering (Budapest, 31 mai 4 juin 2010)
Summer School on Fundamentals of Neutron Scattering (Gaithersburg, NIST, 10-14 mai 2010)
Ecole Franco-Marocaine de la Mesure et de l’Instrumentation Nucléaire (Rabat, 10-14 mai 2010)
FPSchool – 2010 Neutron Diffraction Data Treatment using FULLPROF (Grenoble, 2-7 mai 2010)
Data Analysis for Quasielestic Neutron Scattering with FRIDA (Garching, 28-29 avril 2010)
Berlin neutron scattering school (Berlin, 11-19 mars 2010)
La microscopie corrélative (Strasbourg, 17-18 Novembre 2009)
Nanocarbons (Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy, 8-13 Septembre 2009)
European School on Magnetism (Timisoara, Roumanie, 1-10 Septembre 2009)
11th Oxford School on Neutron Scattering (Oxford, 31 Aout- 12 Septembre 2009)
Application of Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Science (Lauenburg near Hamburg, 31 Aout- 4 Septembre 2009)
2nd AONSA Neutron School (Lucas Heights, 16-21 Aout 2009)
8th PSI Summer school (Zuoz, 1-7 Aout 2009)
6th annual Neutron School at the Lujan Neutron Scattering Center (Los Alamos, 7-17 Juillet 2009)
Summer School on the Fundamentals of Neutron Scattering (Gaithersburg, 22-26 Juin 2009)
International School on the use and application of the Bilbao Crystallographic Server (Lekeitio, Espagne, 21-27 Juin 2009)
Canadian Neutron Summer School (Chalk-River, 15-19 Juin 2009)
Course on Software Development for Crystallography (Grenoble, 15-19 Juin 2009)
11th National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering (Argonne, 30 Mai, 13 Juin 2009)
Apports des Symétries en Matière Condensée (Giens, 11-18 mai 2009)
HERCULES Courses for Users of Large Experimental Systems (Grenoble, 1 mars 4 avril 2009)
Advanced Neutron Diffraction Data Treatment using the FullProf Suite (Grenoble, 26-30 janvier 2009)
Design and Engineering of Neutron and X-Ray Beamlines for Accelerator-Driven Sources (Nashville, 12-23 janvier 2009)
Les Fan du LLB (Saclay,17-20 Nov. 2008)
Scattering and imaging of Soft Matter by RX and neutrons (Grenoble, 16-22 Novembre 2008)
Cristallographie et Grands Equipements (Soleil,3-7 Nov. 2008)
Chimie des solides ultra-divisés (Marcoule, 13-16 Octobre 2008)
School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering, (Argonne, 24 Sept – 11 Oct.2008)
Near and Intermediate Range Order in Liquids and Soft Matter, (Santa Margherita di Pula – Sardinia, 22 Sept – 3 Oct.2008)
Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering (Jülich, 1-12 Sept. 2008)
Biologie structurale (Les Houches, 31 Aout – 12 Sept. 2008)
Small Angle Neutron Scattering and Neutron Reflectometry (Daejeon, Corée, 18-23 Aout 2008)
PSI summer school on Condensed Matter (Zuos, 16-22 Aout 2008)
Neutron School on Magnetism in bulk and Nanostructured Materials (Los Alamos 23 juillet – 1 aout 2008)
Neutron School on Materials (Lucas Heights, Australie, 20-25 juillet 2008)
Structure determination from powder diffraction data (Villingen, 18-22 Juin 2008)
Traitement des données d’imagerie spectroscopique (StAubin, Soleil, 26-29 Mai 2008)
JDN16, Ecole thématique Les excitations étudiées par diffusion inélastique de neutrons (Albé, 23-28 Mai 2008)
HSC8 Synchrotron Radiation and Neutrons Techniques in Environmental Sciences (Genoble 18-24 Mai 2008)
HSC7 Synchrotron Radiation and Neutrons for High Pressure Studies (Genoble, 18-24 Mai 2008)
Ecole de Réflectivité, SAXS, GISAXS et diffraction de surface (Giens, 4-8 Mai 2008)
School on Surface Analytical Techniques (Postdam, 11-14 Mars 2008)
HERCULES Courses for Users of Large Experimental Systems (Grenoble, 17 Février – 20 Mars 2008)
Advanced Neutron Diffraction Data Treatment using the FULLPROF suite (Grenoble, 11-15 Fev. 2008)
Cristallogenèse et Croissance cristalline des macromolécules biologiques (Marseille, 17-19 Dec. 2007)
Les Fan du LLB (Saclay,19-22 Nov. 2007)
Scattering for Biologists (Villigen 23-26 Oct. 2007)
Hercules Specialised Course Synchrotron Radiation and Neutrons for Cultural Heritage Studies (Grenoble 7-13 Oct. 2007)
Application of Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Sciences (Hambourg 17-21 Sept. 2007)
Oxford School on Neutron Scattering (Oxford 4-14 Sept. 2007)
PSI Summer School Correlated Electron Materials (Zuoz, 18-25 Aout 2007)
National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering (Argonne, 12-25 Aout 2007)
Crystallography Summer School (San Diego, 30 Juillet 8 Aout 2007)
Magnetic structure determination and representational analysis (NIST Gaithersburg, 23-26 Juillet 2007)
Hydrogen in materials (Los Alamos, 12-20 Juillet 2007)
JDN15 Etudes structurales (Carcans-Maubuisson, 10-16 Mai 2007)
HMI neutron scattering school (Berlin, 28 Février – 2 Mars 2007)
HERCULES Courses for Users of Large Experimental Systems (Grenoble, 25 Février – 31 Mars 2007)
Les Fan du LLB (Saclay,6-9 Nov. 2006)