La microscopie 3D est un outil essentiel pour l’imagerie in vivo, le développement de médicaments et la compréhension des incroyables mécanismes de la vie. L’objectif du projet NanoXim est de développer un nouveau microscope nanométrique de laboratoire sur puce basé sur l’holographie en ligne digitale.
3D microscopy is a essential tool for in vivo imaging, drug development and understanding of the incredible mechanisms of life.The objective of the NanoXim project is to develop a novel lab-on-a-chip nanoscale microscope based on inline digitalholography.
By suppressing the optics, in line holography has many advantages:
• No optical alignment
• No mechanical focusing
• Ease of use
• Lower price
• 3D imaging in one single snapshot
• Millisecond time resolution
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 946105. Funding call: H2020-FETOPEN-2018-2019-2020-03.
Working principle of inline Holography
A 2D detector captures the interferences produced the unscatterred part and the scattered part of a laser beam that partially propagates through the sample. An iterative algorithm then focuses the images at any plan of interest.
Comparison of mainstream microscopy techniques
07/10/2021: teaming up with IOGS students
Students from the Institut d’Optique Graduate School, with a speciality in innovation and entrepreneurship, convinced by our concept, decided to work on the NanoXim business plan. Welcome on board!
25/06/2021: experiment with CEA/LRIG
In less than one hour, we were able to observe the fixed U2OS cells brought by our collaborators from CEA/LRIG!
The cytoplasm, the nucleus envelop and some nucleolus are visible, and divided cells.
06/2021: experiment with INRAE
For the first time, we moved the NanoXim to another lab to observe zebrafishes embryos!
We were able to track the embryos heart beating, and follow the blood flow in both arteries and veins. !
May 2021: experiment with CEA/L2BC
The NanoXim was used to track cyano bacteria motion towards a light source at a high speed.
The cytoplasm, the nucleus envelop and some nucleolus are visible, and divided cells.
Demonstration of the 3D imaging capabilities of the NanoXim
The 3D imaging performances of the NanoXim were put in evidence with a smart home made sample! Thank you Reda for this fun idea.
Using stacked dandelion seeds, Reda was able to demonstrate the very large numerical depth of field of the NanoXim by imaging in a single hologram seeds separated by more than 4 mm.
Amazing transverse spatial resolution
Reda was able to observe reference patterns of a USAF optical target up to number 8.4, equivalent to a 1.3µm resolution, i.e. the resolution limit of the configuration