Permanent researcher at CEA- Saclay
Professional skills
2009-up to now
Permanent researcher in charge of « electron acceleration » thematic in the team « Physique à Haute Intensité »
Permanent researcher in charge of » Diagnostics of dense plasmas » thematic in the team ‘Physique à Haute Intensité »
University of Colchester – Queen’s University of Belfast
Post doctoral position in charge of the study of a « Four Wave sum difference mixing in plasma » scheme for XUV laser generation (VULCAN – laser – RAL )
PhD at CEA-Saclay (Supervisor: M. Schmidt)
Subject: Intense laser interaction with rare gas clusters – Mention: très honorable avec les félicitations écrites du jury
DEA de « Fondements et Applications des Techniques Laser » à l’Université Paris XIII. Mention assez bien
Licence et Maîtrise de Physique mention Physique et applications à l’Université Paris XIII. Mention assez bien.
DEUG A mention SSM, option Mathématiques-Physique à l’Université Paris XIII
Most representatives publications
- Space- and time-resolved observation of extreme laser frequency upshifting during ultrafast-ionization”, A. Giulietti, A André, S. Dobosz Dufrénoy et al., Phys. of Plasmas, 20, 82307
- “Internal frequency conversion extreme ultraviolet interferometer using mutual coherence properties of two high-order-harmonic sources”, S. Dobosz et al, .Rev. Scient. Inst. 80, 113102
- “Intense gamma-Ray Source in the Giant-Dipole-Resonance Range Driven by 10-TW Laser Pulses”, A. Giulietti, N. Bourgeois, T. Ceccotti, S. Dobosz et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. , 101, 105002
- “Probing Hot and Dense Laser-Induced Plasmas with Ultrafast XUV Pulses”, S. Dobosz et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 95, 025001
- “High-order harmonic generation by nonlinear reflection of an intense high-contrast laser pulse on a plasma”, Monot P., Doumy G., Dobosz S.,et al. Optics Letters 29, 893
Field of interest and competences
- Ultra-intense laser-matter interaction
- Laser-plasma acceleration – relativistic electron source – betatron radiation
- XUV interferometry
- Dense plasmas diagnostics