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IRAMIS "Saclay Institute of Matter and Radiation" is the 2nd Institute in size of the CEA Fundamental Research Division (DRF). IRAMIS gathers 6 joint Research Units in association with CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique or ENSICAEN.

Research in physics and chemistry carried out at the Institute are in close connection with the societal issues and CEA programs :

Mostly fundamental, the research is open to the creation of economic value and technology transfer. To carry out this research program, the teams of IRAMIS implements leading foreground facilities and scientific equipments, and are also very active around the Great Europeans Instruments.

IRAMIS publications (HAL basis)

Wed, Jun. 26th, 11:15
Séminaire SPEC - Yihua Wang
Mon, Jul. 1st 23:56
Dépêche neutrons
Wed, Jul. 10th, 14:00-17:00
Thèses ou HDR SPEC - Céline Blaess


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