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PhD subjects

1 sujet IRAMIS

Dernière mise à jour :


• Instrumentation


Critical metal enrichment of solid streams from used printed circuit boards by multi-spectral sorting and artificial intelligence


Research field : Instrumentation
Location :

Service Nanosciences et Innovation pour les Materiaux, la Biomédecine et l’Energie (NIMBE)

Laboratoire Innovation, Chimie des Surfaces Et Nanosciences (LICSEN)


Contact :

Jean-Christophe Gabriel

Starting date : 01-10-2024

Contact :

Jean-Christophe Gabriel


Thesis supervisor :

Jean-Christophe Gabriel


Personal web page : https://iramis.cea.fr/Pisp/jean.gabriel/

Laboratory link : https://iramis.cea.fr/nimbe/licsen/

More : https://www.ntu.edu.sg/scarce

In this project, we propose to valorize the critical metals lost, as they are not currently retrieved, when recycling printed circuit boards. The focus will be on the key step of sorting the electronic components resulting from the dismantling of these boards. This project involves the study of a multispectral sorting prototype combined with the development of software for recognition by Artificial Intelligence.

This thesis is financed by the REVIWEEE and CYCLAMET projects of the PEPR (priority research programs and equipment) 'Recyclability, recycling and reincorporation of recycled materials' of the 4th Future Investment Program of the French government. During his or her Ph.D. thesis work, the student will be exposed to an international and multidisciplinary environment, with in particular the realization of experimental developments in various fields such as mechatronics, spectroscopy, physical chemistry, characterization and modelling in strength of materials, instrumentation; but also, to work in programming and algorithms with the Borelli Centre of the ENS Paris-Saclay, partner of the project (co-direction of the thesis).

This thesis is therefore an excellent opportunity for professional growth, both from the point of view of your knowledge, and your know-how and life skills in an international multi-cultural environment: the CEA group is bi-located in Saclay and Singapore. It will also be an opportunity to use your knowledge in a practical way to achieve a goal with a potentially high environmental impact.


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