EUCALL bursaries for School on Synchrotron and Free-Electron-Laser Methods for Multidisciplinary Applications - 7 to 18 May 2018  

EUCALL is offering Young Researcher Travel Bursaries (up to 500 EUR per person) to attend the "School on Synchrotron and Free-Electron-Laser Methods for Multidisciplinary Applications" in Trieste, Italy during 7 - 18 May 2018. We especially want to support young scientists from the laser community to attend this school to learn more about science with UV and x-ray photons at synchrotron and FEL facilities. EUCALL is the network of leading large-scale user facilities for free electron laser, synchrotron and optical laser radiation and their users, in which Laserlab-Europe is a partner.

For more details and to apply, see the following web page:

The deadline for applications for the school is 31.01.2018

The deadline for applications for bursaries is 15.03.2018

Poster_3202.pdf (122 Ko)

S. Jubera, dépêche du 17/01/2018

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