Univ. Paris-Saclay

Service de Physique de l'Etat Condensé

European Research Council
Janne SALO
Scientific officer - Panel coordinator – condensed matter physics, European Research Council
Lundi 26/11/2018, 15:00
SPEC Salle Itzykson, Bât.774, Orme des Merisiers

The European Research Council (ERC) is a research funding body established by the European Commission in 2007 that funds individual scientists based in Europe who carry out research at the frontiers of knowledge. It aims to support the best and most creative researchers and help them identify and explore new opportunities and directions in any field of research.
The ERC provides attractive, long-term grants to pursue ground-breaking, high-risk/high-gain research in any field. Excellence is the sole criterion for selection; there are neither thematic priorities, nor geographical quotas for funding.
This presentation provides an overview of the different grant schemes as well as of the proposal evaluation, granting and management of existing projects. The focus is on the scientific aspects of the grants and the presentation is aimed for potential applicants as well as current grantees and the research support staff.
ERC core grant schemes

  • ERC Starting Grants targeted at early-career, emerging research leaders: up to €2.0 million per grant
  • ERC Consolidator Grants aimed at excellent researchers who are already independent: up to €2.75 million per grant
  • ERC Advanced Grants for established top researchers: up to €3.5 million per grant
  • ERC Synergy Grants jointly for 2 – 4 researchers of the above career stages: up to €14.0 million per grant
  • ERC Proof of Concept additional funding, open only to ERC grantees to help them establish the innovation potential of ideas arising from their frontier research projects (€150,000 per grant).


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