Univ. Paris-Saclay

Service de Physique de l'Etat Condensé

Interation of a van-der-Waals Complex with a Bosonic fluid
Contact: Marc Briant

Large amplitude motion of the acetylene molecule within acetylene-neon complexes hosted in helium droplets

M. Briant, E. Mengesha, P. de Pujo, M. A. Gaveau, B. Soep, J. M. Mestdagh and L. Poisson

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18, 16414, 2016 [doi]

Superfluid helium droplets provide an ideal environment for spectroscopic studies with rotational resolution. Nevertheless, the molecular rotation is hindered because the embedded molecules are surrounded by a non-superfluid component. The present work explores the dynamical role of this component in the hindered rotation of C2H2 within the C2H2-Ne complex. A HENDI experiment was built and near-infrared spectroscopy of C2H2 -Ne and C2H2 was performed in the spectral region overlapping the v3/v2 + v4 + v5Fermi-type resonance of C2H2. The comparison between measured and simulated spectra helped to address the above issue.


Large amplitude motion within acetylene–rare gas complexes hosted in helium droplets

M. Briant, A. Viel, E. Mengesha, M.-A. Gaveau, B. Soep, J.-M. Mestdagh, P. Jamet, J.-M. Launay and L. Poisson

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 21, 1038, 2019 [doi]

Near-infrared spectroscopy of the C2H2–Ar, Kr complexes was performed in the spectral region overlapping the ν3/ν2 + ν4 + ν5 Fermi-type resonance of C2H2. The experiment was conducted along the HElium NanoDroplet Isolation (HENDI) technique in order to study the coupling dynamics between a floppy molecular system (C2H2–Ar and C2H2–Kr) and a mesoscopic quantum liquid (the droplet). Calculations were performed using a spectral element based close-coupling program and state-of-the-art 2-dimensional potential energy surfaces to determine the bound states of the C2H2–Ar and C2H2–Kr complexes and simulate the observed spectra. This furnished a quantitative basis to unravel how the superfluid and non-superfluid components of the droplet affect the rotation and the deformation dynamics of the hosted

#2945 - Màj : 04/03/2019


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