Project Tango-Python at LIONS

List of TANGO Devices Servers developped at LIONS :

Devices servers :


PhysicalValue for specifing user scale (read-write) , in fact another expression parser for tango

for ex : using radians or mm instead of step motors.

zip file

Shutter Device server for controlling a shutter with a device server attribute

zip file

Filters multi-usage device server (new 12-06-2006)

zip file

Analogic Output with NIDAQ mx or traditionnal (old drivers) (new 20-06-2006)

zip file

Analogic Input with NIDAQ mx or traditionnal (old drivers) (new 09-06-2006)

zip file

Digital Input-Ouput with NIDAQ mx or traditionnal (old drivers) (updated 12-06-2006)

zip file

Old Micro-Controle IT6DCA2 motor controler

zip file

SR400 Counter

zip file

Keithley 197 voltmeter

zip file
soon : Micro-Controle MM4000 motor controler, Micro-Controle Coder, Thorlabs wheel filters,... see the complete project roadmap  

All Devices servers are in beta version and developped by Olivier Taché in Microsoft Visual C++, with help of POGO generator.

List of Python Script developped at LIONS :

Recorder module : to record some measurements (python script)
Scan module : to synchronize some actions and measurements (python script)

PyTango Device Binding : to use easily the pyTango binding

Class to use a Tango device 
ex :
>>> test=pyTangoDevice("tango/tangotest/1")
Now tango can access easily to the device
Read an attribute :
>>> test.short_scalar
Write an attribute :
>>> test.short_scalar_w=3
Execute a command :
>>> test.Init()
Execute a command with a return value :
>>> test.DevLong(1)

(python script)




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