LV_pBASEX Software
CEA-CNRS Licence
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The goal of the Software is to calculate the inverse Abel transform of an image using the pBASEX algorithm (Garcia et al. Rev. Scient. Instrum. 75(11),4989 (2004)). It can generate, save and read the multi-dimensional basis-set to perform this transformation. It makes the transformation and displays the resulting image and the intensity for each coefficients of the basis-set. Several colormaps are available. Images can be read and save under an ASCII format. A procedure to simulate an image is included in the program.

The Software needs to work the Numerical Recipes library called “Numerical Recipes for C++ and C” which can be downloaded on the website “”.

 Fully programmed and optimized by Dr. Lionel Poisson. Licences are distributed upon request.

#967 - Màj : 18/03/2010



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