Laboratoire Léon Brillouin

UMR12 CEA-CNRS, Bât. 563 CEA Saclay

91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France


Let's scatter neutrons

Les 3 axes
Les spectromètres de diffusion inélastique pour monocristaux
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Le LLB dispose de 5 appareils de type 3 axes, dont 4 sont ouverts aux utilisateurs :


#537 - Last update : 08/31 2010
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The pseudogap region of the phase diagram is an important unsolved puzzle in the field of hightransition-temperature (Tc) superconductivity, characterized by anomalous physical properties below a certain temperature, T*[1]. In contrast to the superconducting temperature Tc which exhibits a dome-like shape, the pseudogap phase is observed only at low doping in the underdoped region of the cuprates phase diagram.
The strongly interacting conduction electrons can be accurately represented as a gas of weakly interacting electron-like excitations. This description, known as Fermi liquid theory, works for many metallic systems. However, over the past two decades, new types of metallic materials with strongly correlated electrons have been discovered that do not fit this standard description. The list includes the superconducting copper oxides and many other materials. More...
Hidden degrees of freedom in aperiodic crystals.
This work is part of a theoretical project which aims to unravel the mechanism at work in the high temperature cuprate superconductors. In the recent article [1] we have studied the role of spin fluctuations, and namely of the collective spin mode, for the superconducting pairing and numerous electronic anomalies observed in cuprates.


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