Laboratoire Léon Brillouin

UMR12 CEA-CNRS, Bât. 563 CEA Saclay

91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France


Let's scatter neutrons

C-SPEC: Cold chopper spectrometer
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LLB is engaged at various levels in the construction of five spectrometers around ESS (European Spallation Source in Sweden)

Among them, C-SPEC is the "Cold Chopper Spectrometer".

C-SPEC will be used in a wide variety of scientific applications, spanning the life sciences, functional materials and chemistry. Its key capability is to follow kinetic events in situ or in operando, enabled by very high flux.

C-SPEC is a direct geometry time of flight spectrometer developed as a German/French collaboration between FRM II and LLB. While both institutions are strong in soft matter and biophysics research, LLB additionally focuses on physical chemistry, magnetism, superconductivity, and structural and phase transition studies. FRM II specializes in materials science, structure research, quantum phenomena, nuclear and particle physics, and neutron methods. The result of this partnership is a workhorse spectrometer that will deliver results for both an academic and industrial user base.  Read more on the ESS Web site...




  • Type : cold time-of-flight spectrometer with direct geometry
  • Contributeurs : LLB (50%) et TUM (50%)
  • Personnels LLB : F. Y. Moreira, G. Fabrèges, S. Longeville
  • Capacités : multi-scale (1 - 1000 Å et 10-14 - 10-10 s), small samples, pump/probe experiments, in-operando kinetics, measuremetns under high pressures or high electric fields..
  • Thématiques couvertes : Soft matter, hydrogen/CO2 storage, catalysis, magnetism, batteries, life science...

2024-05-28 : See the first test assembly of the time of flight chamber

#2761 - Last update : 05/29 2024


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