Joseph J, Holzmeier F, Bresteau D, Spezzani C, Ruchon T, Hergott JF, Tcherbakoff O, D’Oliveira P, Houver JC and Dowek D (2020), « Angle-resolved studies of XUV–IR two-photon ionization in the RABBITT scheme », Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics., aug, 2020. Vol. 53(18), pp. 184007. IOP Publishing. [BibTeX] [DOI] |
Fanciulli M, Schusser J, Lee M-I, Youbi ZE, Heckmann O, Richter MC, Cacho C, Spezzani C, Bresteau D, Hergott J-F, D’Oliveira P, Tcherbakoff O, Ruchon T, Minár J and Hricovini K (2020), « Spin, time, and angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy on WTe2 », Physical Review Research., mar, 2020. Vol. 2(1) American Physical Society (APS). [BibTeX] [DOI] |
Buono WT, Santos A, Maia MR, Pereira LJ, Tasca DS, Dechoum K, Ruchon T and Khoury AZ (2020), « Chiral relations and radial-angular coupling in nonlinear interactions of optical vortices », Physical Review A., apr, 2020. Vol. 101(4) American Physical Society (APS). [BibTeX] [DOI] |
Bourassin-Bouchet C, Barreau L, Gruson V, Hergott J-F, Quéré F, Salières P and Ruchon T (2020), « Quantifying Decoherence in Attosecond Metrology », Physical Review X., aug, 2020. Vol. 10(3) American Physical Society (APS). [BibTeX] [DOI] |
Chappuis C, Bresteau D, Auguste T, Gobert O and Ruchon T (2019), « High-order harmonic generation in an active grating », Physical Review A., mar, 2019. Vol. 99(3) American Physical Society (APS). [BibTeX] [DOI] |
Gruson V, Weber SJ, Barreau L, Hergott J-F, Lepetit F, Auguste T, Carré B, Salières P and Ruchon T (2018), « Interferometric control of the ellipticity of a femtosecond extreme ultraviolet source », Journal of the Optical Society of America B., mar, 2018. Vol. 35(4), pp. A15. The Optical Society. [BibTeX] [DOI] |
Gonzalez AI, Jargot G, Rigaud P, Lavenu L, Guichard F, Comby A, Auguste T, Sublemontier O, Bougeard M, Zaouter Y, Georges P, Hanna M and Ruchon T (2018), « Spatio-spectral structures in high harmonic generation driven by tightly focused high repetition rate lasers », Journal of the Optical Society of America B., feb, 2018. Vol. 35(4), pp. A6. The Optical Society. [BibTeX] [DOI] |
Brauße F, Goldsztejn G, Amini K, Boll R, Bari S, Bomme C, Brouard M, Burt M, de Miranda BC, Düsterer S, Erk B, Géléoc M, Geneaux R, Gentleman AS, Guillemin R, Ismail I, Johnsson P, Journel L, Kierspel T, Köckert H, Küpper J, Lablanquie P, Lahl J, Lee JWL, Mackenzie SR, Maclot S, Manschwetus B, Mereshchenko AS, Mullins T, Olshin PK, Palaudoux J, Patchkovskii S, Penent F, Piancastelli MN, Rompotis D, Ruchon T, Rudenko A, Savelyev E, Schirmel N, Techert S, Travnikova O, Trippel S, Underwood JG, Vallance C, Wiese J, Simon M, Holland DMP, Marchenko T, Rouzée A and Rolles D (2018), « Time-resolved inner-shell photoelectron spectroscopy: From a bound molecule to an isolated atom », Physical Review A., apr, 2018. Vol. 97(4) American Physical Society (APS). [BibTeX] [DOI] |
Allum F, Burt M, Amini K, Boll R, Köckert H, Olshin PK, Bari S, Bomme C, Brauße F, de Miranda BC, Düsterer S, Erk B, Géléoc M, Geneaux R, Gentleman AS, Goldsztejn G, Guillemin R, Holland DMP, Ismail I, Johnsson P, Journel L, Küpper J, Lahl J, Lee JWL, Maclot S, Mackenzie SR, Manschwetus B, Mereshchenko AS, Mason R, Palaudoux J, Piancastelli MN, Penent F, Rompotis D, Rouzée A, Ruchon T, Rudenko A, Savelyev E, Simon M, Schirmel N, Stapelfeldt H, Techert S, Travnikova O, Trippel S, Underwood JG, Vallance C, Wiese J, Ziaee F, Brouard M, Marchenko T and Rolles D (2018), « Coulomb explosion imaging of CH3I and CH2ClI photodissociation dynamics », The Journal of Chemical Physics., nov, 2018. Vol. 149(20), pp. 204313. AIP Publishing. [BibTeX] [DOI] |
Géneaux R, Chappuis C, Auguste T, Beaulieu S, Gorman TT, Lepetit F, DiMauro LF and Ruchon T (2017), « Radial index of Laguerre-Gaussian modes in high-order-harmonic generation », Phys. Rev. A., May, 2017. Vol. 95, pp. 051801. American Physical Society. [BibTeX] [DOI] [URL] |
Gauthier D, Ribič PR, Adhikary G, Camper A, Chappuis C, Cucini R, DiMauro LF, Dovillaire G, Frassetto F, Géneaux R, Miotti P, Poletto L, Ressel B, Spezzani C, Stupar M, Ruchon T and Ninno GD (2017), « Tunable orbital angular momentum in high-harmonic generation », Nature Communications., apr, 2017. Vol. 8, pp. 14971. Springer Nature. [BibTeX] [DOI] |
Camper A, Park H, Lai YH, Kageyama H, Li S, Talbert BK, Blaga CI, Agostini P, Ruchon T and DiMauro LF (2017), « Tunable mid-infrared source of light carrying orbital angular momentum in the femtosecond regime », Optics Letters., sep, 2017. Vol. 42(19), pp. 3769. The Optical Society. [BibTeX] [DOI] |
Burt M, Boll R, Lee JWL, Amini K, Köckert H, Vallance C, Gentleman AS, Mackenzie SR, Bari S, Bomme C, Düsterer S, Erk B, Manschwetus B, Müller E, Rompotis D, Savelyev E, Schirmel N, Techert S, Treusch R, Küpper J, Trippel S, Wiese J, Stapelfeldt H, de Miranda BC, Guillemin R, Ismail I, Journel L, Marchenko T, Palaudoux J, Penent F, Piancastelli MN, Simon M, Travnikova O, Brausse F, Goldsztejn G, Rouzée A, Géléoc M, Geneaux R, Ruchon T, Underwood J, Holland DMP, Mereshchenko AS, Olshin PK, Johnsson P, Maclot S, Lahl J, Rudenko A, Ziaee F, Brouard M and Rolles D (2017), « Coulomb-explosion imaging of concurrent CH2BrI photodissociation dynamics », Physical Review A., oct, 2017. Vol. 96(4) American Physical Society (APS). [BibTeX] [DOI] |
Beaulieu S, Comby A, Clergerie A, Caillat J, Descamps D, Dudovich N, Fabre B, Géneaux R, Légaré F, Petit S, Pons B, Porat G, Ruchon T, Taïeb R, Blanchet V and Mairesse Y (2017), « Attosecond-resolved photoionization of chiral molecules », Science., dec, 2017. Vol. 358(6368), pp. 1288-1294. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). [BibTeX] [DOI] |
Balogh E, Zhang C, Ruchon T, Hergott J-F, Quere F, Corkum P, Nam CH and Kim KT (2017), « Dynamic wavefront rotation in the attosecond lighthouse », Optica., Jan, 2017. Vol. 4(1), pp. 48. The Optical Society. [BibTeX] [DOI] [URL] |
Veyrinas K, Gruson V, Weber SJ, Barreau L, Ruchon T, Hergott J-F, Houver J-C, Lucchese RR, Salières P and Dowek D (2016), « Molecular frame photoemission by a comb of elliptical high-order harmonics: a sensitive probe of both photodynamics and harmonic complete polarization state », Faraday Discussions. Vol. 194, pp. 161-183. Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). [BibTeX] [DOI] |
Gruson V, Barreau L, Jiménez-Galan Á, Risoud F, Caillat J, Maquet A, Carré B, Lepetit F, Hergott J-F, Ruchon T, Argenti L, Ta\ieb R, Mart\in F and Salières P (2016), « Attosecond dynamics through a Fano resonance: Monitoring the birth of a photoelectron », Science. Vol. 354(6313), pp. 734-738. American Association for the Advancement of Science. [Abstract] [BibTeX] [DOI] [URL] |
Géneaux R, Camper A, Auguste T, Gobert O, Caillat J, Taïeb R and Ruchon T (2016), « Synthesis and characterization of attosecond light vortices in the extreme ultraviolet », Nature Communications., Aug, 2016. Vol. 7, pp. 12583. Springer Nature. [BibTeX] [DOI] [URL] |
Beaulieu S, Ferré A, Géneaux R, Canonge R, Descamps D, Fabre B, Fedorov N, Légaré F, Petit S, Ruchon T, Blanchet V, Mairesse Y and Pons B (2016), « Universality of photoelectron circular dichroism in the photoionization of chiral molecules », New Journal of Physics. Vol. 18(10), pp. 102002. [Abstract] [BibTeX] [URL] |
Beaulieu S, Comby A, Fabre B, Descamps D, Ferre A, Garcia G, Geneaux R, Legare F, Nahon L, Petit S, Ruchon T, Pons B, Blanchet V and Mairesse Y (2016), « Probing ultrafast dynamics of chiral molecules using time-resolved photoelectron circular dichroism », Faraday Discuss.. Vol. 194, pp. 325-348. The Royal Society of Chemistry. [Abstract] [BibTeX] [DOI] [URL] |
Auguste T, Gobert O, Ruchon T and Quéré F (2016), « Attosecond lighthouses in gases: A theoretical and numerical study », Phys. Rev. A., Mar, 2016. Vol. 93, pp. 033825. American Physical Society. [BibTeX] [DOI] [URL] |
Weber SJ, Manschwetus B, Billon M, Böttcher M, Bougeard M, Breger P, Géléoc M, Gruson V, Huetz A, Lin N, Picard YJ, Ruchon T, Salières P and Carré B (2015), « Flexible attosecond beamline for high harmonic spectroscopy and XUV/near-IR pump probe experiments requiring long acquisition times », Review of Scientific Instruments. Vol. 86(3) [BibTeX] [DOI] [URL] |
Manschwetus B, Lin N, Rothhardt J, Guichard R, Auguste T, Camper A, Breger P, Caillat J, Géléoc M, Ruchon T, Taïeb R, Carré B and Salières P (2015), « Self-Probing Spectroscopy of the SF6 Molecule: A Study of the Spectral Amplitude and Phase of the High Harmonic Emission », The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. Vol. 119(23), pp. 6111-6122. [BibTeX] [DOI] [URL] |
Ferré A, Handschin C, Dumergue M, Burgy F, Comby A, Descamps D, Fabre B, Garcia GA, Géneaux R, Merceron L, Mével E, Nahon L, Petit S, Pons B, Staedter D, Weber S, Ruchon T, Blanchet V and Mairesse Y (2015), « A table-top ultrashort light source in the extreme ultraviolet for circular dichroism experiments », Nature Photonics., feb, 2015. Vol. 9, pp. 93-98. [BibTeX] [DOI] |
Ferré A, Boguslavskiy AE, Dagan M, Blanchet V, Bruner BD, Burgy F, Camper A, Descamps D, Fabre B, Fedorov N, Gaudin J, Geoffroy G, Mikosch J, Patchkovskii S, Petit S, Ruchon T, Soifer H, Staedter D, Wilkinson I, Stolow A, Dudovich N and Mairesse Y (2015), « Multi-channel electronic and vibrational dynamics in polyatomic resonant high-order harmonic generation », Nature Communications., January, 2015. Vol. 6, pp. 5952. [BibTeX] [DOI] |
Camper A, Ferré A, Lin N, Skantzakis E, Staedter D, English E, Manschwetus B, Burgy F, Petit S, Descamps D, Auguste T, Gobert O, Carré B, Salières P, Mairesse Y and Ruchon T (2015), « Transverse Electromagnetic Mode Conversion for High-Harmonic Self-Probing Spectroscopy », Photonics. Vol. 2(1), pp. 184. [BibTeX] [DOI] [URL] |
Camper A, Ferré A, Blanchet V, Burgy F, Descamps D, Petit S, Ruchon T and Mairesse Y (2015), « Combined high-harmonic interferometries for vectorial spectroscopy », Opt. Lett.., Nov, 2015. Vol. 40(22), pp. 5387-5390. OSA. [Abstract] [BibTeX] [DOI] [URL] |
Quéré F, Vincenti H, Borot A, Monchocé S, Hammond TJ, Kim KT, Wheeler JA, Zhang C, Ruchon T, Auguste T, Hergott JF, Villeneuve DM, Corkum PB and Lopez-Martens R (2014), « Applications of ultrafast wavefront rotation in highly nonlinear optics », Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. Vol. 47(12), pp. 124004. [Abstract] [BibTeX] [URL] |
Picard YJ, Manschwetus B, Géléoc M, Böettcher M, Casagrande EMS, Lin N, Ruchon T, Carré B, Hergott J-F, Lepetit F, Ta\ieb R, Maquet A and Huetz A (2014), « Attosecond evolution of energy- and angle-resolved photoemission spectra in two-color (XUV + IR) ionization of rare gases », Phys. Rev. A., Mar, 2014. Vol. 89, pp. 031401. American Physical Society. [BibTeX] [DOI] [URL] |
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Diveki Z, Bourassin-Bouchet C, de Rossi S, English E, Meltchakov E, Gobert O, Guénot D, Carré B, Salières P, Ruchon T and Delmotte F (2014), « Theoretical and experimental studies of broadband phase-controlled attosecond mirrors », Journal of Modern Optics. Vol. 61(2), pp. 122-131. [BibTeX] [DOI] [URL] |
Camper A, Ruchon T, Gauthier D, Gobert O, Salières P, Carré B and Auguste T (2014), « High-harmonic phase spectroscopy using a binary diffractive optical element », Phys. Rev. A., Apr, 2014. Vol. 89, pp. 043843. American Physical Society. [BibTeX] [DOI] [URL] |
Kim KT, Zhang C, Ruchon T, Hergott J-F, Auguste T, Villeneuve DM, Corkum PB and Quéré F (2013), « Photonic streaking of attosecond pulse trains », Nature Photonics., August, 2013. Vol. 7, pp. 651-656. [BibTeX] [DOI] |
Diveki Z, Guichard R, Caillat J, Camper A, Haessler S, Auguste T, Ruchon T, Carré B, Maquet A, Ta\ieb R and Salières P (2013), « Molecular orbital tomography from multi-channel harmonic emission in N2\ », Chemical Physics. Vol. 414(0), pp. 121 – 129. [Abstract] [BibTeX] [DOI] [URL] |
Diveki Z, Camper A, Haessler S, Auguste T, Ruchon T, Carré B, Salières P, Guichard R, Caillat J, Maquet A and Ta\ieb R (2012), « Spectrally resolved multi-channel contributions to the harmonic emission in N 2 », New Journal of Physics. Vol. 14(2), pp. 023062. [Abstract] [BibTeX] [URL] |
Billaud P, Géléoc M, Picard YJ, Veyrinas K, Hergott JF, Poullain SM, Breger P, Ruchon T, Roulliay M, Delmotte F, Lepetit F, Huetz A, Carré B and Dowek D (2012), « Molecular frame photoemission in dissociative ionization of H2 and D2 induced by high harmonic generation femtosecond XUV pulses », Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. Vol. 45(19), pp. 194013. [Abstract] [BibTeX] [URL] |
Caillat J, Maquet A, Haessler S, Fabre B, Ruchon T, Salières P, Mairesse Y and Ta\ieb R (2011), « Attosecond Resolved Electron Release in Two-Color Near-Threshold Photoionization of N_2 », Phys. Rev. Lett.., Mar, 2011. Vol. 106, pp. 093002. American Physical Society. [Abstract] [BibTeX] [DOI] [URL] |
Bourassin-Bouchet C, Diveki Z, de Rossi S, English E, Meltchakov E, Gobert O, Guénot D, Carré B, Delmotte F, Salières P and Ruchon T (2011), « Control of the attosecond synchronization of XUV radiation with phase-optimized mirrors », Opt. Express., Feb, 2011. Vol. 19(4), pp. 3809-3817. OSA. [Abstract] [BibTeX] [DOI] [URL] |
Haessler S, Caillat J, Boutu W, Giovanetti-Teixeira C, Ruchon T, Auguste T, Diveki Z, Breger P, Maquet A, Carré B, Ta\ieb R and Salières P (2010), « Attosecond imaging of molecular electronic wavepackets », Nature Physics. Vol. 6(3), pp. 200-206. [BibTeX] [DOI] |
Swoboda M, Dahlström JM, Ruchon T, Johnsson P, Mauritsson J, L’Huillier A and Schafer KJ (2009), « Intensity dependence of laser-assisted attosecond photoionization spectra », Laser Physics., August, 2009. Vol. 19, pp. 1591-1599. [Abstract] [BibTeX] [DOI] |
Mansten E, Dahlström JM, Mauritsson J, Ruchon T, L’Huillier A, Tate J, Gaarde MB, Eckle P, Guandalini A, Holler M, Schapper F, Gallmann L and Keller U (2009), « Spectral Signature of Short Attosecond Pulse Trains », Phys. Rev. Lett.., Feb, 2009. Vol. 102(8), pp. 083002. American Physical Society. [Abstract] [BibTeX] [DOI] |
He X, Miranda M, Schwenke J, Guilbaud O, Ruchon T, Heyl C, Georgadiou E, Rakowski R, Persson A, Gaarde MB and L’Huillier A (2009), « Spatial and spectral properties of the high-order harmonic emission in argon for seeding applications », Phys. Rev. A., Jun, 2009. Vol. 79(6), pp. 063829. American Physical Society. [Abstract] [BibTeX] [DOI] |
Haessler S, Fabre B, Higuet J, Caillat J, Ruchon T, Breger P, Carré B, Constant E, Maquet A, Mével E, Salières P, Ta\ieb R and Mairesse Y (2009), « Phase-resolved attosecond near-threshold photoionization of molecular nitrogen », Phys. Rev. A., Jul, 2009. Vol. 80(1), pp. 011404. American Physical Society. [Abstract] [BibTeX] [DOI] |
Dahlström JM, Fordell T, Mansten E, Ruchon T, Swoboda M, Klünder K, Gisselbrecht M, L’Huillier A and Mauritsson J (2009), « Atomic and macroscopic measurements of attosecond pulse trains », Phys. Rev. A., Sep, 2009. Vol. 80(3), pp. 033836. American Physical Society. [Abstract] [BibTeX] [DOI] |
Ruchon T, Hauri CP, Varjú K, Mansten E, Swoboda M, López-Martens R and L’Huillier A (2008), « Macroscopic effects in attosecond pulse generation », New Journal of Physics. Vol. 10(2), pp. 025027 (10pp). [Abstract] [BibTeX] [URL] |
Mauritsson J, Johnsson P, Mansten E, Swoboda M, Ruchon T, L’Huillier A and Schafer KJ (2008), « Coherent Electron Scattering Captured by an Attosecond Quantum Stroboscope », Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 100(7), pp. 073003. APS. [Abstract] [BibTeX] [DOI] [URL] |
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Ruchon T, Vallet M, Chauvat D and Le Floch A (2006), « A dipole interaction model for magnetochiral birefringence », The Journal of Chemical Physics., August, 2006. Vol. 125, pp. 4104-+. [BibTeX] [DOI] |
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Bonnet C, Bretenaker F, Brunel M, Chauvat D, Emile O, Lai N, Floch AL, Ropars G, Ruchon T, Singh K, Thepot J-Y and Vallet M (2002), « Magnetochirality and stochastic resonance in lasers », Journal de physique IV. Vol. 12, pp. PR5. [BibTeX] |
Vallet M, Ghosh R, Floch AL, Ruchon T, Bretenaker F and Thépot J-Y (2001), « Observation of Magnetochiral Birefringence », Phys. Rev. Lett.. Vol. 87, pp. 1830031-1830034. [BibTeX] |
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